The Hypocrisy of Indonesian Voters every Election Time!

11:54 rafi 2 Comments

The Hypocrisy of Indonesian Voters over Religion


Hohohoho, there might be lots of people that would be triggered by this post.

Well actually, I already had several debates regarding choosing a "non-muslim" leader, at least, with my family. Some of them said to me about Al-Maidah 51, which is about choosing Muslim leader rather than the non-muslim ones. But, me myself and I keep wondering "Is it that simple?". I mean, can't we consider another things like his/her "Capabilities", Track records, the idea of leading the communities, future plans for the cities, and etc .....

Myself keep asking "Whenever a non-muslim person want to be a leader, Does his "religion" would eliminate him directly? Can't we just sit there, listen for their visions, and compare it with another candidates? Because it's not only about Islam, it's about a nation, or organization, which can lead us forward, or backward. And for sure, even though Muslims are the m ajority in this country, can't we consider the other religions? Do they have their voices heard? Do their voices matters? Can't we listen to them and considering what this nation needs?"

And finally ..... once again, I asked "Is my religion, Islam, really this egocentric? I mean, we already declare ourselves to be 'Rahmatan lil Alamin', right?". Rahmatan lil Alamin is a very serious word. It means, Islam is a mercy to ALL mankind! No matter what your race or religion is ..... Isn't it? So, where's these words whenever comes the election years (?) It looks like we tend to be divided by these issues though.

Last but not least, if you're choosing a leader, just by their religion blindly ..... I would like to ask you a question "What makes you keep working with them? I mean, they're your leader for sure, right?". If you think it's okay, well, I must consider you as "Hypocrite" though. Don't get me wrong, please stop using double standard over anything hohohoho.

Well, if you had anything to say, just comment below, but if you want to chat me directly, you may approach me by Line: rafitanjonggg or email:



Should We Blame the Race?

01:01 rafi 2 Comments

Blaming the Race for Individual Acts, Is it really fair?!

Disclaimer. This note didn't want to support one candidate, just want to share my experiences though


Recently, I was having conversation with several person. Yeah, due to our distances, we were talking in phone. Our topic itself, was about the election for sure, especially the Jakarta governor election though. The conversation began with "If you were Jakarta people, who would you choose?"

Me: "Ahok for sure!"
Him: "Ha? Like for real?"
Me: "Yups, for sure, why?"
Him: "He was blasphemy Islam."
Me: "Which one?"
Him: "Don't you see the video?"
Me: "Yes I did, so, which one? Have you seen the full video of it?"
Him: "No, I don't need to, that part has told everything"
Me: "Hmmmm, let us say that he was blasphemy our religion. I personally already forgive him, because this is what my religion teach me. And yes, the legal process is continuing, though"
Him: "Well, he's not muslim anyway. Islam forbids us to choose non-muslim leader"
Me: "Hmmmm, Well I do respect what Islam taught me, I definitely saw Al-Maidah 51 as my very first references to choose a leader. And then, let see their capabilities through their campaign and debates. And let's choose the right one, even He/She is not muslim"
Him: "No, you're wrong!"
Me: "I can't be blind with politics, I don't want to be. And I just don't want to choose the worst one, even though he's same with my religion. Definitely our ideology is different"
Well, the conversation keep moving forward. Till he said to me "Do you really want to choose him? He's chinese!"

Me: "Ha? Wow, you're definitely racist! I don't like it!"
Him: "No, I am not, it's right though. They're obviously sly or cunning. Don't you see about the case? Much of state money was taken away by them. We're not talking about Billion, it's hundreds Trillion. It's least than "Pribumi" corruptions which only hundreds million or billions rupiah"
Me: "Yes you are! Hmmmm, how could you blame all of the (chinese) people with the acts of -not so- twenty persons? It's not fair though. And you know what? I don't care about the numbers actually. Whatever it takes, corruptions are wrong things to do. And I think it has nothing to do with race though!"

Unity in Diversity as Indonesian Priority

The conversation kept moving, but I personally disappointed to have this racist conversation though. Blaming the chinese won't solve anything, and it felt so wrong for sure. This is not what Indonesia I used to know, which more than 700 ethnics and 1000 dialects. Indonesia that used to have Bhinneka Tunggal Ika or "Unity In Diversity" motto. Indonesia that's known to be polite societies. To all of (chinese) Indonesian people, I personally am sorry for this kind of 'racist' issue. I believe, together we can build our nation for our future generation :)

And one message for all of my muslim friends. I bet you already knew what "Muslims" felt in other countries, right? Muslims that used to be minority, labelled as "Terrorist", even ban to come their home. I didn't think you want to experience that right? So, don't let the minority felt the same way! We are one people, one nation, Indonesia. Salam #UnityInDiversity !

Source: GodblessIndonesia