3 ways to avoid procrastinate

19:52 rafi 0 Comments

  1. delay or postpone action; put off doing something.


Source: BrainyQuote by Mason Cooley

Procrastinate is one of bad habits that human used to have to avoid doing things. Mostly have it, but things what I knew, highly performance person won't ever do it. Time is too precious to be wasted, and it's not their way to do so. 

Like almost everyone, I sometimes do the same things. Procrastinate is fun, till you felt regret just scrolling down Instagram/ facebook's feed for one or two hours, and you can't get this back. At least, that's what I felt yesterday. I stay up late till 2 AM, and sleep till 11 AM, having late breakfast, do my online-course for 1 hours, end-up sleeping 3 more hours cause the weather felt so nice. I regret it a lot :( I can't reach my goals that day, and that was the worst day I have, cause I didn't productive at all. Hate it.

I promise to myself, I will change this tomorrow. Which means today. I planning what I am going to do, and I do it anyway.

A new way I try, is moving my body around. Not staying on my bed, and go to anywhere, that I googling a nice place to be alone. I got several names, and end-up here, on Reading Room, Kemang.

It really does a nice place. Whenever I came here, around 11.30 AM, I am the only customer, and I smell the old bookshelf, which I love it so much. Lots of books and stuff.

But, the thing is, I don't want to read book here. Because, I have my own goals. 

1. Finished Intermediate Python for Data Science (datacamp). 

Been writing this on my deadline this week. And should accomplish this one. Data science been my focused lately, since it's really nice to learn a new things. And soon enough, we'll have our own data science platform for the analytics. And I need to prepare this from now. Starting my course on datacamp, and learning it through new projects, that would be developed soon.

2. Learn new online-course I bought. 

I just bought a new online course, about writing your blog end-to-end, from setting things up, and make the quality content for this, and perhaps, could generate money soon. I got a wake-up call from my friend, that's been building his blog right now. And because of this, I want to take this one seriously. How to make this passion became a real deal. For my life, for my audience, with intent to influence people from what I wrote, and make it more enjoyable. Let's put monetizing things on the middle of my priority ya.

Ok. What should we do?


Source: Quotescover by Margaret Thatcher

1. Plan your schedule

In this free time, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to waste it just like that? Or, maybe you can do something better, such as blogging, came to seminar or meetup, doing volunteer, and any positive activities you may think. It's all about choice. Your choice does matter. Even though it's not going to do something in the short term, think about long-term, ya? Let say if you do the online course, while your friends just hanging around, wasting their time with -not so quality- topic. If you do it consistently, in 1 month, perhaps you have done 1 course, with a new perspective of life. While your friends? Well, you decide lah.

I am not telling you should learn every single hour, no, even doing so won't make your body healthier. From what I learned on High Performance Habit, you may have your body and thought a rest. So a little game/ entertain can cover that. Let say you will have 1 hour break for playing game. That's obviously oke. What makes it harder if you didn't plan your schedule at all. This is where procrastinating can happen. You might not aware until you literally lost your precious time. Time that could be 20 pages worth reading/ 5 online course videos/ 1 blog post, would be wasted and can't take it back. 

How'd you do it? Plan your schedule 1 week before. I've been doing this for 2 weeks (after reading High Performance Habit's book), and I could avoid unnecessarily procrastinate. At least my weekly goals can be maintained. And things been really well so far.

Even if you read this in the middle of the week. Just take a moment for planning for this week! It's obviously oke, and just don't wait till tomorrow! If you do it, that's what you called procrastinating!

Source: Pinterest by Emily Bibb

2. Just do it already

Well, another thing I just learn. I used to be overthinking person. For example, what should I do, how could I go there, is it too far? What if I took busway, how many hour it will take? How's the weather? Is it too hot? and the list keep go on. 

Suddenly I remember one article/book about "5 seconds rule", before you thinking any excuse for doing something, just do it already. 5 seconds is enough to distract you doing something. And you won't want that at all. That's how I determine to take gojek instead of busway, and promised myself to take busway on the way going home. See? My body can't resist procrastinate ya. And it's your thought that will fight it. Use this simple rule, and you'll be ok.

Source: Pinterest by David Gruder

3. Stick to your schedule

Ah, on the weekend, insisting your thought to think more especially for the programming one. This might make exhausting, right? 

"Chill up dude" you may say. 

But words had been said. And promised should be kept. That's what I believe. Haha

During my "me" time, I focused to achieve my goal first. Finishing datacamp, learn online course, design 1 personal project for the next 2 weeks, and write 1 post for my blog. I set up plan these 6 hours should be enough. There is a time when I feel stressed, and checking my instagram feed. And just like that, I told my self to focused on this schedule. It's just about time, I could enjoy more time watching Insidious soon, but my goals should be done first. I put down my phone. Only check it for 5 minutes to update what I did and what I thought. Put it down again, repeat. At least this helps me a lot.

It's only you who can control what you're doing. It's not your father, it's not your brother, it's only you. And that's what matter the most. When you can control this, you can grab what you want anytime soon. Just wait and see, and believe.

During this time also, I found one thing precious. 

I just read one article about "Paid Mentorship" actually can make you bring more values. He said whenever you paid more, you'll think and feel it more precious. And this will insist you to do, learn, and take everything more during the program. And of course, this will lead you to give more time during your Mentorship. I somehow, could connect this one with my current condition, because in this place I didn't pay cheaply. So my time is so precious in this place. While I could get the fast internet right here, whenever I'm checking my phone, I would think about check I will pay this time. And tbh, it could be one more motivation you can get.


Procrastinate is a bad habit you should overcome. If you want to change, you might consider your "old" self, before and after you banish this habit. You might feel more productive, you'll have more free time, because you already done your responsible in a good way and manner, and this free time could be used for learning more, or simply refreshing yourself.

To do so, you may do these 3 things to be your habits. First you need to plan your schedule. Even for someone like me, who didn't really like tight schedule at all, felt it really does important to do so. Because it'll give you more clarity for what you're going to do at least for one period of time. Second, you need to remember 5 seconds rule, about thinking what you're going to do next. Before you're going to overthink anything, Just do it already. Last but not least, during this schedule, you must commit for what you have written. It's the battle for fighting with yourself, and it's actually the greatest enemy for the humanity. If you can win this, believe me you'll be happy about it, and you can learn anything more, faster, and apply more things in your life.


Rafi is an ENFP person who seek every chance to develop his surrounding in professional ways. Slowly turning himself as a geek reader, spending his time at least 2 hour a day to read any article/ books with specific target.

Currently being Customer Analyst in elevenia, still counted as Fresh Graduate and still learning to be the best one. Interested in Leadership, Management, Economic, Big Data, Data Science, and Meteorology-geek stuff.

Like to read this one? Kindly please like, share, and recommend this article to help the author more ya. Looking forward your feedback every single day!


Transforming Thyself with simple habits

00:41 rafi 0 Comments

(Source: Pinterest)

It's possible.

One sentence that's already summed up my life for the last 3 month.

I have started my reading habit in the middle of December 2017. I gave half of my Entertainment money buying 2 books at least, to be read during my holiday. One bucket-list was Elon Musk, recommended by my friend (that I met on International conference, been writing a lot, and her articles is really good in quality). Yups, in simple words, I trust her.

Why'd Elon Musk? Tbh, reading a lot about him on Quora, basically he's really genius, right? Since colleague, lots of my friends, that has Engineering background, really admired him a lot. Yups, that's enough made me interested for someone's life! Until .... my friend told me, this book is really about him, talking about his childhood, and his journey from 1 company to another.

"WHAT? His Childhood?! I am sold!" Told myself.

I am that person, who didn't really believe someone's born Genius. Oke, there might be 2% who really are. So? What next? Did they do something great? Is that really the only factor? I don't think so.

So yeah, whenever it comes to his biography, take me in! I want to know more! Take me right over there to his life! Haha

Doesn't mean it should start tomorrow. Act now! (Source: Pinterest)

1. Choice


Oke, things have been determined. These life should be changed. Thanks to Quora honestly, I read lots of insightful thought back then. Have life changing ones, that pushed me to do something good. Why'd reading? I forgot where I found this ya, but I have read about 10.000 rules. If you want to be really good at something, you need to have effort, at least 10.000 hours doing that thing.

"But ..... I want to learn anything! I want to be datascience, I want to be marketeers, I want to be executor, I want to be good at statistical, thinking logically, solving problem faster, etc. Should I gave 10.000 hours for this?"

The answer is yes and no. 10.000 hours might be the one, but we do have a choice, we do have shortcuts. One of them? Read as many as books you can, online learning, search expertise mentor, etc.

I chose reading books. The factor? Well, I'm going to be honest with you. Recently I found lots of inspiring people. Most of them Indonesian, and have done something really big both for country and their company. I'm speechless. I keep seeing them, observing them, "What makes them so extraordinary?". One of them? Really a nerd, a bookworm. Yups, even with a tight schedule, he read a lot.

Thats enough to convince me tho. Reading might be the answer. I should try this one.

I will focus on reading and online course. I separated my time for both of them. Trial and error, to know which one is better.

I went to Periplus. Simply because I want imported books, I don't like the translated one because I'm not really fans the standard language especially Bahasa. I got BC (2.5 out of 4 score) in my college, and always got not more than 80 when I was in Senior High School.

Oke, I take Elon Musk, and during the search found another one, I can't avoid this, it's just like, myself want me to buy this no matter what. My choice was for "High Performance Habits" by Brandon Burchard. And I bought it anyway.

Here it is. I am ready to change myself. Everything would begin here. Here we go!

Luv! Exactly what I thought. This is what you called as Commitment! (Source: everydaypowerblog.com)

2. Commit


What's next? The books been bought, should be read, workload remain the same. So? Scheduled your time! Yups, I read lots of habit article, especially for making our "New Year Resolution" not being "January Resolution" and stuff. Most article told me to write down everything. What's my goal? Write! How can I achieve it? Write! When should I do it? Write! Everything should be written, and committed. Simple. Everyday, I wrote my Most Important Things (MIT). And reading (with minimum pages) + online course (with minimum hours) would be my everyday MIT. Wrote it on my computer's sticky notes, so every time I close or open my laptop, I could see it and do it.

Oke. You know, whenever you have your "new" resolution, at first you'll have the energy to do so, right? How long it would stay that way? Well, actually it depends on your commitment. For me, I told myself to do so. If I am too lazy to read that day, haven't met my minimum goals, I told myself "If you can do it yesterday, why'd not today?". Take a breath, speak to yourself. Continue. And that's what you called commitment.

Source: Pinterest (etsy.com)

3. Applied


The longer I read, the longer I learn. Reading is simply mindblowing. Can't believe, someone could have that way of Life. Things that I was thinking "Insane" and made me giggling every single time I read that. Let's take a sample of Merry Riana's life, one of top Indonesian Motivator, that's converting herself from Engineer to be the Salesperson. Everyone thought she's insane tho, I mean, she had that B.Eng of Electrical Engineering, living on Singapore and got a job? That might be huge opportunities, right? And she changed that, she pushed herself a lot, targeting herself everyday and achieved what she's been targeted for the long term. Her sales to leadership experiences mostly insane.

And that's how I learned leadership and sales from her. Reading does open my mind to the broadest, and maintain my imagination through the boundary/ layers that seems deep and impossible to reach, but can be broken!

Applying what you have read does important. Besides reading book, I keep reading Quora/ Medium's article that's extremely insightful. I apply several of them. For example parento principle, when you gave only 20% of your effort to achieve 80% of goals (or can be applied with anything I guess), breaking 10.000 Hours rules just like what I'm doing now (having shortcuts to achieve things!), 5 seconds rules to made you avoid procrastinate, and several Habits from "High Performance Habits" to maintain my clarity, energy, and necessity. I do what I could do to improve myself. And looking forward to it!

4. Result and Conclusion


Well, what's the result, raf?

I am not going to say it's been perfect, but, it really could be perfected. My old habit is fading away. Yups, called that Procrastinate and hard to focus habits should be faded asap. For the last 2.5 month, I have read countless articles (about 4 - 5 articles a day), finished 2 business course (one of them should take at least 12 hours to be finished), 1 datacamp course, and 3 books (The Four, Elon Musk, Merry Riana), otw to the 4th book, High Performance Habits!

For some people, it might be not-so-accomplished to be celebrated, right? But it's worth to be written, and once again, as a writer, I hope I could inspire others even more. Just like the first sentence. It's possible, it's possible to change yourself, it's possible to transform your habit and begin achieve things. It's possible to fade that bad habits, and try to live your life at its fullest. It's not perfect yet, and I believe it could be improved slowly by applying things I have learned during this Journey.

And that's the end of this article
I am not really celebrating tho, read one article, that celebrating small things were not that good, and might affect your way of life to achieve things.


Rafi is an ENFP person who seek every chance to develop his surrounding in professional ways. Slowly turning himself as a geek reader, spending his time at least 2 hour a day to read any article/ books with specific target.

Currently being Customer Analyst in elevenia, still counted as Fresh Graduate and still learning to be the best one. Interested in Leadership, Management, Economic, Big Data, Data Science, and Meteorology-geek stuff.

Like to read this one? Kindly please like, share, and recommend this article to help the author more ya. Looking forward your feedback every single day!


Early Stage Leadership - What I have learned so far in 2 months

14:10 rafi 0 Comments

Source: Integrity and Leadership Quotes

Have you got any chance to lead someone? Yes, I have.

I took this offer from my GM, to lead 3 apprentices and 1 intern so far, together with my colleague from Advance Analytics. For me, this is a really good opportunity to develop myself further and beyond. If you have read my story from the very beginning, you might know I used to lead someone through Volunteering or any social project, but this one is really different. I should act in the professional ways, to develop them more advance in analytics world.

One of main reason why I take this offer also, I want to lighten-up my confidence as a leader. Since I graduate, I'm not really touched this leadership activity, except managing my flow of work as analyst, mentored by my GM and team lead, also being a part-time mentor for my 2 beloved brothers (that's currently enrolled as university student and junior high school). This opportunity, would be my best chance to learn leadership directly, from designing the Apprentice program, and execute them once and for all.

So far, taking role as leader has been an eye-opening moment for me. The first two things I learned, being a leader is not only thinking about yourself. There's always more reason from that. You're not only thinking about get things done more faster, but how could you develop their hard and soft-skills. At least in this analytic world, especially in Customer Analytic division, we should be able data-wrangling, exploring, and crunching it, and of course, these data would be analyzed deeply to answer the business questions even more. In other words, we need to assure our apprentice could get all of the exposure, from getting the data, analyze, visualize, explain/present, and give the recommendation to improve the business even more.

My colleague and me, design a full package curriculum, to cover all of these. This is an early stage of my leadership journey and I love it so much.

Example of Apprentice Curriculum Design

1. Designing Data and Advance Analytics apprentice program

Oke, the first step to do is simply designing the apprentice curriculum from scratch. For those who's wondering "Why'd from scratch? Don't you have any reference before, since you graduated from this program, right?". The answer is .... Because at my apprentice term, my GM and the Team Leader did not really have any particular curriculum, they just develop us their way. I do understand that, since they already have great and decade experiences to develop a person. 

Despite this, from my point of view, curriculum is necessary, since it's going to make a program easier and have a real purpose. If we forgot something, or simply want to give what kind of project they are going to develop next, this curriculum could be a guidance for us. 

So, how's the process?

The first thing to do is googling. I mean, who doesn't, right? Simply searching "Apprentice curriculum program" also "Data Science apprentice program" and stuff, to get the draft what's important to be included in this guidance. Mixed them up.

From several articles or books, the first thing to do is defining the situation.

So, at first, I define the situation. Simply by knowing my Apprentice major background & CV could be huge advantage, define what kind of person they are, and at what level they're in right now. Next, I should define what standard need to be met during the program, at what level they will be developed, and what skillset they should have after the program. We want to assure, their skills can be huge advantage in the future, since they're our future analyst, the best investment for our resource. Last but not least, I define what capabilities my apprentice would have after the program. Similar with the standard, but more focused and detail. Of course these were the initiate goals, and could be added during or in the middle of the program. Here's what I've defined:

To make it simple
1. What kind of person we faced?
- Fresh graduate from Statistic background
- Already had experienced in term of Data Analytics (at least on college level)

2. What standard need to be met?
- Advance business acumen
- Complex problem solving
- Have completed skillset of data analyst, including Excel (Pivot, Functions, Text and column manipulation) and SQL
- Have completed skillset of presentation skill including design effective powerpoint & communicate the insight

3. What capabilities apprentice should have after apprenticeship?
- Able to collect, organize, and study complex and unstructured data from different resources
- Able to answer BAU and complex business questions
- Able to understand elevenia business operation end-to-end
- Doing pricing analytics to support business team in terms of promotion

After defining this, developing the apprentice program is a piece of cake. You just need to align with Team's 2018 future project or timeline, and assure every program would enrich apprentice's knowledge and skills when they do it. Plus, my colleague  and me also put several projects we have done during our program last year, what's good should be perfected, and the perfect one should be maintained. One example is Google Analytics exploration. This could be good for our apprentice's portfolio, and of course, could be used to update our team's knowledge to explore GA even more. I remembered, at the moment I explore this, I learned a lot from someone's article, and how useful GA could be, to possibly maintain the KPI of company. 

Source: Quotesurf.com

2. Executing Curriculum

Designing curriculum after working hours, take 1-2 hours a day to explore and googling, and think about the program was really exciting stuff! After sketching, designing, and creating the apprenticeship curriculum, present it to our GM and approved. Here comes the best part, executing the program. Every week, they would have the project they should explore, create the ppt, and present. Presentation should be conducted in English. Why? Simply we want to encourage them speaking in English. At first, they were shocked, and I gave them no choice but presenting in English. We told them it's a good opportunity, to break their comfort zone, move further and beyond. Even though in our daily live we speak Bahasa, I bet, one day they will be right over there, perhaps they will work on International companies, consultant, or simply being speaker for something big. And this presentation skills, would be their advantages, right?

What I found interesting, of course during the process, sometimes there is a small detail I missed, and the apprentice didn't ask anything about that. During the presentation, my GM would give the advice to them for "Asking Why" or simply know the objective of every task we gave. For analyst, simple question "Why" or "What's the goal" and stuff, can be eye-opening and make Analyst life easier. At one side, analyst could ease their data exploration, and transform it to be what user want, and generate insightful analysis and recommendation for the user. I noted to my self, and apprentice learned what they should learn. Both side wins.

One thing for sure, what makes a leader happy, is seeing their peers developed day by day. I remembered when our apprentice do their first task, about aptitude test of analyst. We want to know, at what level their pivoting and business skills. They're not confident enough, and apologize a lot. I told them "It's okay, they will use to about it, and they will be better day by day for this stuff.". They accept, and keep struggling more, and do it better day by day. Their confidence level is also getting better and better, their presentation is keep improved both in design and presenting, and their business and SQL skills also getting better. And I personally happy about it :)

Source: Path

3. Evaluate

There's a time, when you have a deadline, but your apprentice have done their job as well. That job should be checked and validated, and as analyst, you might check their script as well, to assure what they have developed right or not. The art of leadership is here. You need to spare time for them, even though you have your own task to do. Sometimes it costs my work time, but checking and appreciating their work is important as well. I have done it for the last 2 month, if it happens, what I am going to do is scheduling at what time I will check them out. Sometimes it's only take 10-30 minutes, but if they created hundreds of slides? It could cost me more than 1 hour. The thing is, you need to remember, being a leader is also a commitment, we're not talking about "Me, myself, and I", but "Us, Ourselves, and We" instead.

Evaluate also happened every week, when our apprentice present their own research. In the end of session, me as a moderator, would ask the audience (from another CA Team members) whether they had any comments or advice for the contents that's just presented. Next, I would ask them if they have any advice to our apprentice personally. This session always end-up in positive way. Lots of gratitude, appreciate, and a lil bit reminder what they should do and check next time. This process often be my personal reminder, since this is the place where all of CA team used to gather every week. And I believe, everyone could learn something during this presentation and evaluation. Once again both sides win.


Leadership process is fun, as fresh graduate, if you have a chance to lead, just grab it fast. I know in this term (moreover as Fresh graduate), we should develop the hardskill to make our job easier, but if you think about this even further, this can be moved and grabbed together, and it's just a matter of how you manage your time well.

Leadership is a process where both sides could win. Your subordinates might feel they're developed, but the process -indirectly- develop you as well personally. The process giving the advice might be your self-reminder, the process comments/ asking question/ sharing the ideas, might as well gave you sense of communicating better, to assure your messages could be heard and understand by your peers. And of course, leadership is a fun thing to do while working here.

Apprentice presentation to know ecommerce better
Thanks for your time reading this, if you have any feedback, do not hesitate to leave the comment below, I would love hearing that to make my content even better in the future. Once again, thank you and have a nice day!
#Leadership #CALyf #CAteam #Lifeatelevenia