Apprentice Test of Elevenia

00:45 rafi 18 Comments

Step by step guidance of Apprentice Test

Elevenia XL Planet
Logo Elevenia

Hello guys!

As you know, currently I am taking role as Data Management Apprentice for Customer Analytics Department, which will prepare me to be Data Analyst of the company. Elevenia Apprentice program is extremely good opportunity you can take. I am personally still enjoy it here because as Meteorologist, I am extremely comfort with data, number, statistic, and programming process though (For more story, check it here)

Well, tonight I will share to you about the Elevenia Apprentice Test process. I am using English because I believe you already capable with it, I guess, at least you had B1 English proficiency though. Why? Well, as you know Elevenia or PT. XL Planet is a joint venture company between XL Axiata and SK Planet. This is the reason why we called it PT. XL Planet in the first place. So, in several division, you might meet Korean people actually (i.e. SEO division, the GM is korean). This means, you should prepare your English well, especially in speaking and writing.

Well, the processes of Elevenia apprentice program were simple actually. 

First, you'll have paper test for General Management Admission Test (GMAT) in Bahasa. In GMAT, most likely similar with IQ test (verbal logical) for sure. It's hard to describe the test (also it's confidential) but if you have good logic, I bet you'll pass this test easily.

Second, at the same day, you'll have English test (for listening and reading part). Alhamdulillah, before taking the test, actually I was preparing my IELTS test (because formerly I was willing to continue my study). And I guess it's obviously easier. I didn't know how much time I spend, but, actually I still had my 20 minutes for finishing the test. Yups, on that time, I am on my mood to be ambitious, so I will do everything as soon as possible (with my best), so that I could have time to check my answer. So, make sure you can manage your time well for Elevenia Apprentice program yups.

Third, Focus Group Discussion (FGD). OMG, to be honest, I was so nervous! It was my first time to have FGD. Nervous af. But, nervous and doing nothing won't solve and calm me, right? So, I was literally studying anything about Data Management and Customer Analytics haha. Just googling it, guys :p Here's the example. I was searching for Big Data Management (Just connect it to your logic yah haha). So yeah, just be in mind, what kind of roles you're going to take haha. Anyway, because limited resources, I was searching for FGD Apprentice program. But unfortunately, I just found the XLence apprentice program. Well, I assume, "it's not so different lah yah"....... because this company might same with XL, right? But it is totally different. What I read, the topic might relate to Leadership (which is not really worried me, because of my roles on several organization). And the actual topic is ..... about Data Science and Big Data! You will be given an article, and please discuss it to your group, and present the conclusion to the watcher. FYI, we were watched by GM of Customer Analytics, So ..... Be prepared, guys! Just a quick reminder, in Elevenia Apprentice test, the FGD will be conduct in English. Anyway, don't forget to see the attitude of FGD yaps, probably it matters! You may see the materials on youtube or something.

Fourth, last but not least, the Elevenia Apprentice test would be Interview by user ..... There's no tips except Rehearse ..... Rehearse ..... and Rehearse! Make sure you know what you're doing, and what you have written on your CV. And please, relate all of your organization experiences with this roles haha. For F sake, I was rehearsing from this. TBH, I was interviewed by mas Hakim, GM of Customer Analytics, face to face. Just relax and enjoy your interview like you guys having daily conversation yah. Please make sure this job, in line with your long-term goals (Perhaps to be scientist, lecturer, or even businessman). Elevenia, probably, doesn't want to recruit the unmotivated ones. Ganbatte!

Well, all of Elevenia Apprentice test processes only take 10 days I guess, and you would get the result of your interview a.s.a.p. About the contract ..... Well, just make sure you can make it to this step ya :p But I can assure you, this program is great opportunity, and you may consider it as Management Trainee level lah haha.

Good luck guys! If you have anything to ask, just leave the comment below yah haha

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  1. Hai kak, mau tanya, untuk program ini berarti jatuhnya kita sebagai karyawan atau gimana yah? dan digaji atau engga? thank you :)

    1. Halo Azalika, well, apprentice tuh dikontrak 1 tahun. Tapi, lo bakal direview tiap 3 bulan. Nah, jika dirasa user lo puas dengan kerjaan lo, dan lo dianggap sudah mumpuni, lo bisa direkomendasikan untuk menjadi karyawan tetap. Namun, proses rekrutmen tetap sama, lo bakal lewatin jalur wawancara C-level berikutnya. Ini yang gue tahu sih, doain gue cukup 3 bulan diangkat jadi karyawan tetap yah haha

    2. Oh iya, kebanyakan apprentice sudah diangkat di bulan ke-6 sih, pokoknya benar2 tergantung kinerja lo gimana. Semangat

    3. Oh iya baru baca lagi, pastinya program ini digaji dong, kalo based on my survey sih, gajinya cukup seimbang dan termaksud level tinggi bagi fresh-graduated hehe. Tenang, mereka juga udah survei kok. Untuk apprentice di divisi apa saja gajinya pukul rata, harusnya

  2. Wah thanks banget infonya :") Ku sedang apply juga nih haha. Doain kak!

    1. Semangat! Memang saat ini elevenia lagi rekrutmen Apprentice buat IT atau sales dan marketing, kan? Coba pelajari aja hal-hal berbau itu, dan buktikan dengan CV serta kecakapan lo dalam bidang tersebut. Semangat!

  3. Ka pas FGD kita presentnya pergroup? Yg present semua anggota atau hanya 1 yg mewakili?

    1. Kalo waktu gue dulu, yg present 1 orang aja bro/sist, present tentang kesimpulan apa yg dapat lo ambil dari FGD itu. Make sure all of the members agreed with you ya. Because you guys discuss the topic together hoho.

  4. Wanna hear something funny?
    Jadi saya daftar program apprentice ini 2 minggu lalu, saya lolos tahap writing test, fgd, dan interview user. Hari terakhir, saya di pagi hari dipanggil kembali untuk interview dgn HR which is ternyata penginformasian mengenai kontrak, dgn kata lain we pass the recruitment process. Kami langsung bisa menandatangani kontrak saat itu jg. Namun ternyata (this is the funny part) di sore hari yang sama, I got an email, the subject is: Cancelation to continue recruitment process with elevenia: dikarenakan perubahan strategi perusahaan jadi program apprentice elevenia dibekukan.....
    Did I just got prank? Saya kira ini program prank salah satu televisi..

    1. Wah so sorry to hear that bro/sist, memang ada perubahan posisi di manajemen level, jadi mungkin ada strategi baru dari mereka (saya kurang tahu sih soalnya kan masih di posisi apprentice juga hehe). Hmmmmm, kalo dari gue sih mungkin lo jadikan pembelajaran aja. Gue selalu gitu sih dalam ikut seleksi apapun, nothing to lose lah, at least udah pernah ikut proses sesuatu, tau kondisinya, tau environment-nya, next time gonna do it better. Semangat

  5. Bang, ini sekali batch apprentice berapa ya yg diambil? Terus waktu batchmu dulu berapa banyak kekira yg tes? Makasi sebelomnya

    1. Rahasia ..... Hahaha
      Why bother how many persons would be accepted, right?

      About la> 50 lah diawal, tapi gabanyak setelah di tes berikutnya hehe

  6. Hi kaa..
    Pengumuman ke tes selanjutnya setelah psikotes + english test itu rentang waktunya berapa lama ya ?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. haloo kak, mau tanya waktu interview pakai english or indonesia ya? terus tema FGD sesuai dengan posisi yg kita apply atau bagaimana tuh? terimakasih

    1. Saya udah baca tp ga nemuin jwbnnya. Makanya saya nanya :) makasih deh atas jwbnnya
