
20:20 rafi 0 Comments

So, tonight, I don't know what I feel

I feel confused, sad, angry, it's all mixed into one.
These feelings come after that one problem comes.
At first, I'm literally angry, I just want to curse him. I even said any bad words you know. I hate him, a lot. I would not tell you who he is, but I hate him a lot!
Second, I'm confused. I'm confused with my life, I'm confused what just happened to us, I even asked my self what's wrong. What's wrong with our life, what's wrong with everything I've done. Is there something wrong with us? Why did us get this kind of problem? Ah ! Confused ! Even, I'm confused with the solution. As if, I've found the greatest problem on my life, but it's hard to solve it ! It's harder than finding the solution for Dynamical Meteorology. Literally !
Sad. This feeling succeed to make me cry. Crying for thinking about it. Sad because I'm angry. Sad because I'm confused !
This might the worst blogging I've ever written.
You don't need to read it, you don't need to think it, just let me keep it myself, because this is the way I am.


Hate This Feeling ! - Lonely

23:01 rafi 2 Comments

Because ....

But ....

So, stay Positive !