Mereka yang terlalu Ambisius atau Lo yang ga punya Visi? Sebuah Kontemplasi!

00:24 rafi 0 Comments

"Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements" - Napoleon Hill
 Pernah ga kalian ngerasa, atau ngomong "Ih ini orang ambis banget sih. Gila aja, barusan aja ke Jepang, eh minggu depan ke Korea, malah semua gratis lagi. TA tuh kerjain!". Mungkin ga sejulid ini sih, tapi mungkin pernah lah nge-geremeng seseorang kok bisa se-ambisius itu dalam hidup.

Sejujurnya gue juga terkadang gitu, walaupun ga sejulid yang diatas yah haha. Apalagi gue, yang termaksud kategori ekstrim dalam ngepoin orang. Kepo dalam hal melihat prestasi, sepak terjang, dan cerita how could they be like that tentunya!

"Kok dia ambis banget sih?!"
Wait, kalo lo tipe orang yang suka kontemplasi diri lo sendiri (kayak gue), gue sering banget mikir kalo bukan mereka yang ambis, tapi guenya yang kurang terarah! Fuck, andai aja nih ya gue udah minat baca sejak Kuliah, mungkin jalan ceritanya ga begini. Ambisnya bisa melebih-lebih, Lol!


The thing is, it's not their ambition, it's their visions. Iya, visi hidup.

Visi itu ga semerta-merta milik perusahaan/ organisasi. Hidup lo juga harus punya Visi, secercah kalimat singkat yang mudah diingat, value-driven, dan tentunya bisa jadi pegangan hidup lo.

Dalam buku "Becoming your Best" by Shallenberger, sebuah visi, baik itu pribadi ataupun organisasi, bisa jadi transformasional loh. Iya, sesuatu yang benar-benar bisa ngerubah jalan hidup/ organisasi lo. Salah satu contoh visi fenomenal yang diusung JFK waktu kepemimpinannya. Tentang bagaimana dia harus menerbangkan manusia ke Bulan, prove it to the world, and directed the nation to achieve that vision. Setelah mimpi itu tercapai, USA udah ngga sama lagi, bangsanya sudah mulai berfikir maju, bahwa everybody can reach the impossible, including you! Lo bisa coba baca gimana perjuangan ratusan ribu orang buat memberangkatkan manusia ke Bulan. Tell me melancholic, but it's astonish! Semua ras memainkan perannya untuk memastikan 1 manusia ini bisa selamat sampai tujuan! Pft, check Innovation the NASA Way dan The hidden figures deh!


Dalam merangkai visi, lo bisa coba masukin beberapa hal/ atribut yang harus atau paling tidak ada di dalam sebuah visi. Gue hanya akan menjelaskan beberapa atribut untuk membangun personal visi ya.


1. Positive and Meaningful direction with a purpose and a cause

Visi itu harus positif, gaboleh dong yang jelek-jelek, masa Iya visi lo ingin menjadi "Kriminal no.1 di dunia", kan ngga lucu, dan jelas menentang norma yang berlaku. Jadi, Visi lo tuh harus positive dan berarti. Berarti disini ga harus cuman untuk diri lo sendiri loh! Kalau lo udah baca tulisan gue sebelumnya, lo bakal dapat gambaran best practice to throw one stone to 2 birds. Iya, dalam membangun mimpi lo ke konteks yang lebih luas, lo bisa memasukkan unsur manusiawi dan kebermanfaatan di dalamnya. Hal ini tentunya ga akan membatasi/ menghambat lo untuk mencapai mimpi besar pribadi lo, karena sejatinya ketika lo udah berhasil mencapai mimpi tersebut, secara langsung lo juga berhasil mencapai impian lo tadi.

Misal, daripada lo set goal buat dapat IP > 3.5, lo bisa ngembangin ke konteks yang lebih luas, misalnya menjadi Ahli Meteorologi di tingkat 4. Disini, lo ga mengejar IP lo, tapi justrul lo mengejar gimana caranya lo bisa menjadi ahli berdasarkan strategi yang udah lo susun, dan threshold yang bakal lo define. Nah, dengan melakukan hal-hal yang udah lo definisikan, misalnya lo belajar 5 jam perhari terkait Meteorologi, plus menjadi asisten peneliti dan publish jurnal internasional. Dengan ini, bakal dijamin urusan IP ga perlu jadi hal yg lo pikirin tiap hari, karena pasti akan menyesuaikan usaha lo. IPK lo pasti deh > 3.5, namun, keahlian lo? Hmmm, jangan dipertanyakan! Hoho

Nanti akan gue bahas terkait Misi/ rencana (guna mencapai visi yang lo udah bangun) di tulisan selanjutnya.


2. Urgency and Mission

Nah, ini juga sebenarnya mirip yang pertama, namun lo melihat dari sisi Why you should do that anyway. Ibarat kata gini, ketika lo ga menjadi ini, emangnya kenapa? Yang bisa jawab pertanyaan ini hanya lo seorang, karena persepsi seseorang dalam melihat urgensi bisa berbeda-beda. Pada hakikatnya, visi lo juga harus align sama prinsip hidup lo. Misalnya gue, prinsip hidup gue adalah "Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah yang bermanfaat", prinsip ini yang membuat gue tetep berusaha melakukan kegiatan sosial, plus menulis.

"emangnya kalo lo ga nulis kenapa raf?"

Ya ga kenapa-napa, cuman ntah kenapa, berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi gue, susah banget dapatin tulisan yang bagus dalam bentuk bahasa. Nah, mangkanya gue mau menutupi gap itu. At least kalo ada yang nyari, bisa mengerti lebih cepat lah ..... Itu dia, kebermanfaatan! Align, kan? Ada juga cerita gue kenapa milih beberapa organisasi, diawal it's only about updating my CV (cross finger), however seiring berjalannya waktu dan melihat orang-orang keren nan istiqomah melakukan sesuatu ke masyarakat. Jadilah gue udah cukup persetan sama apakah CV gue akan bagus atau ga, namun lebih ke misi sosial instead. Haha.

3. Inspiring

Lo bisa masukin ini ke visi pribadi lo. Let me see, you are more influence than what you think kalau lo bisa transform diri ke arah yang lebih baik loh! Banyak cerita orang-orang Hijrah menuju kebaikan, dan tbh, inspiring as fuck!

Sekarang coba lo posisikan diri lo sebagai orang yang biasa aja, atau bahkan dibawah rata-rata. Let say, you're lazy as fuck, you're always being late, you're not disciplined at all, always talk rudely, and so many negativity in you lah. Tiba-tiba, lo mikir tentang apa yang udah lo lewatin, dan lo mau berubah. Lo bikin visi hidup lo, lo buat rencana supaya bisa mencapai hal tersebut. Dan lo komit. 

Apa yang akan terjadi dengan orang-orang yang ada di dekat lo? Let say, orang-orang atau teman deket lo yang punya tabiat serupa. 

Bisa jadi mereka kembali ke pernyataan awal seperti netizen Julid. ATAU malah ikut terinspirasi, dan mengikuti jejak lo. Gue udah pernah ngerasain yang pertama, ranking gue dipertanyakan, dan ntah bagaimana gue bisa berubah. Biasanya gue senyumin sih waktu dulu, tapi recently gue berani cerita kalo emang gue udah berfikir dan set something apart, gue bakal fokus buat mencapai hal tersebut. Hal ini ga bertahan lama kok, rasa canggung temen-temen lo, dan gimana mereka mandang lo karena lo udah berubah itu cuman sebentar, at some point, mereka udah memandang lo sebagai pribadi yang berbeda, and they would accept you, unless they're not your real friend, and you should ditch them up!

Jangan takut berubah!

4. Desired Direction, Purpose, and Inspiration even in the absence of supervision

Baiq. Salah satu atribut penting dari visi adalah, even ketika lo ga diawasi oleh supervisor lo atau abang lo atau orangtua lo, lo udah punya arah yang jelas. I know this is something cheesy namun ini penting, visi lo harus buat lo independent, ga bergantung pada orang lain. Lo boleh banget punya supervisor yang bakal nge-guide lo mencapai mimpi lo. But at the end of the day, this is you versus the world. Sesimple itu. So, ketika orangtua lo meninggal, atau abang lo pergi dan berpisah dari lo karena mau lanjut kuliah di luar, lo bakal bisa tetap fokus untuk mencapai visi lo yang udah lo buat sendiri.

5. Represent the Heart and Soul of Individual

Dalam keberjalanannya, visi yang lo buat itu harus align sama value yang benar-benar ingin lo bawa jika visi itu tercapai. Gue mau kasih contoh, let say dalam hidup lo, lo mau membawa value seperti Integritas, Kejujuran, Pekerja Keras, Kebaikan, Kebermanfaatan, dsb. You can put and consider this value supaya ada di visi pribadi lo. Karena, kalo lo sendiri ga align atau ngerasa ga klik sama visi yg lo buat. Gimana ceritanya lo mau komitmen? 

"Berjuang ngga sebercanda itu" - Gian

6. Long-term!

Nah, last but not least nih, Visi hidup lo tuh kalo bisa jangka panjang yah! Bisa jadi 5 tahunan, 10 tahunan. Boleh banget kok dimodifikasi ditengah, tapi lo harus consider atribut lainnya tadi haha. Lo coba bikin timeline hidup lo aja, terus lo tandai di beberapa turning point, kira-kira lo bakal mau jadi apa di titik itu.

Misal nih ya, kalo lu Mahasiswa Baru (MABA), di ITB ada 2 Turning point, 1 di tingkat pertama, ketika lo masuk ke Jurusan, lo emangnya mau masuk jurusan mana sih, terus mau terlihat seperti apa sih, skillnya udah gimana sih, dst. And then ..... Lulus! Di akhir tahun kelulusan, lo emang mau terlihat seperti apa. Apalagi mahasiswa ya, dinamikanya luar biasa, ga boleh stay jadi orang yang biasa-biasa aja, tanpa mengikuti kegiatan yang bisa banget kembangin lo secara personal dan profesional!

And then, 2 tahun pertama lulus, lo mau kerja di industri apa? Ekspektasi lo bakal jadi karyawan/ pengusaha seperti apa? + 5 tahun lagi, dengan pengalaman 5-7 tahun kerja, lo sekarang udah di posisi apa? Dengan gaji/ penghasilan berapa? Dsb! Tiap orang mungkin bisa punya turning point beda-beda. Mine would be 1, 4, 7, 10, 20 years ahead!

1: Tahun pertama kuliah
4: Waktu menjelang kelulusan
7: 2 years with work experience
10: 5 years with work experience
20: 15 years with work experience

Kenapa penting? Visi jangka panjang ini bisa kasih lo gambaran jelas, Skill apa aja yang harus lo punya dan pelajari. Kalo emang lo dalam 10 tahun udah di posisi Manager, ya lo at least punya skill leadership lah. Cara dapatinnya gimana? Lo bisa aja tunggu sampe lo dapat kerja dulu. Tapi, kenapa ga dimulai sejak dini? Iya, berorganisasi! Long term visi lo bisa bikin lo curi start dari temen-temen lo, dan jelas ..... Ada waktu lo akan dicap ambis.

But who gives a fuck anyway, right? Is it their ambition that's wrong or YOUR vision's not ambitious enough?!

Coba ganti angle nya! Hoho

Nah, itu dia tulisan panjang yang bisa gue kasih ke kalian! Semoga bisa membantu menginspirasi lah. Next gue bakal cerita tentang buat planning dari Visi yang udah lo kembangin. Thanks banget buat buku "Becoming your best" by Shallenberger. Worth as fuck!


Berani bicara tentang Suicidal thought? Let's give it a try!

22:59 rafi 0 Comments

“And he suddenly knew that if she killed herself, he would die. Maybe not immediately, maybe not with the same blinding rush of pain, but it would happen. You couldn't live for very long without a heart.” ― Jodi Picoult
Have you ever had any suicidal thought? 

No one might be interested to tell their something about it. Depression, suicidal, is not something you used to talk in the shiny day, right? Because many person would tell you "to be strong enough" or "get over with it" or "don't be overthinking" or "Don't be baper" and etc. 

If you, by any chance, someone who ever said that to your friends whom ever believed you to talk his/her problems, then please spare your time and listen. Even if you can't provide any solution, by simply listening to his/her problem will be really meaningful tho :)


Mungkin banyak orang yang akan berkata "Rafi itu orangnya kuat, tegar, mana mungkin punya pemikiran se-liar itu". Unfortunately, you only see what I want you to see. Ga banyak orang yang tahu dulu gue sempet punya fikiran-fikiran ekstrim dikarenakan sakit hati, panik bukan main karena masalah yang ga pernah dibayangkan akan datang, dan bingung. Suicidal thought yang pertama tuh datang waktu gue masih SD. Iya, masih SD. Gue udah sempet cerita tentang satu waktu gue di-bully sama teman-teman -dan bahkan- Guru (sang manusia yang harusnya digugus dan ditiru) ikut membully gue. Sudahlah cuman punya sedikit teman, malah pake drama bermusuhan. Habislah sudah. Rafi pada titik itu, benar-benar kesepian.

Depression by Leafscience

Pemikiran-pemikiran "Should I end this life? No one love me anymore. They hate me. No one likes me, what's the point of living then?". Ada waktu pernah berfikir begitu. Ingin rasanya menghilang dari dunia, toh ga akan ada yang sayang dan peduli, kan? Alhamdulillah, Tuhan masih sayang sama gue. Fikiran-fikiran tersebut langsung terganti dengan hal positif lainnya. Iya, dulu aku masih punya Mama, dan Ayah, serta abang dan kakak -yang walaupun- selalu diisi dengan berantam layaknya kakak-beradik pada umumnya. Mereka satu diantara alasan yang buat gue mengurungkan niat gue saat itu. Ada juga aku masih punya teman bermain rumahan, walaupun sering dianggap anak bawang.

Satu hal penting, no one knew I have this feeling, coz I am that person, who always keep it myself dan ga mau merepotkan orang lain.

At this turning point moment, I change myself as a whole. Membuktikan apa yang mereka omongkan salah, bahwa aku tidak bodoh, dan aku bisa. 

Hari demi hari, bulan demi bulan, tahun demi tahun. Jarang sekali bully-an diperoleh setelah aku berubah dan membuktikan. Ada sih, jokes-jokes lama kalo gue banci lah, main sama perempuan terus lah, gendut, jelek, item. Surprisingly, udah ga ambil pusing lagi dan cukup hidup sesuai dengan apa yang gue anggap benar. Benar kalau aku ini suka main sama perempuan, mau gimana lagi, dulu ga pernah ngerasa cocok sama lingkungan mereka. Yang merokok lah, nonton bokep di kelas lah, mengindahkan jokes yang merendahkan perempuan lah, seolah-olah perempuan tuh cuman objeks seks doang. That's not my value. Sorry!

SMA juga lumayan lancar, dan terkesan udah mulai pada dewasa. Udah semakin bodoamat juga sama apa yang orang fikir. Emang sih kadang suka cemburu, kok mereka bisa beli baju yang mahalnya na;udzubullah, sepatu mahal, pake acara bawa mobil segala, dsb (ala-ala ABG ga gaul tukang iri :p). Namun ya, tetap pada penderian dan berada di jalan yang benar. Paling tidak, di lingkungan positif. Udah itu aja cukup.

Kuliah? Hmmm. Harusnya mental udah sangat baja dong?! Udah ga pernah lagi ngerasain yang namanya Bully, Alhamdulillah. Semua dibuktikan dengan prestasi. Mental udah baja kah? Tidak disangka, ada 1 momen yang bikin gue ciut banget. Cuman 1 orang yang tahu gimana strugglingnya gue untuk ngatasi masalah ini.

Perlu dicatat, ini masalah sepele banget, berubah jadi hal yang ga sepele hanya karena gue berfikir secara berlebihan dan ga jernih.

Jadi gue waktu itu H- sekian berangkat ke Magelang, untuk mengikuti pelatihan militer dari beasiswa yang gue terima. Gue dipercaya sama donatur untuk menjadi Penanggung jawab (PJ) univ, alhasil pegang tiket keberangkatan. Ada 1 waktu, gue habis makan bareng sama temen gue. Di tempat makan, cerita-cerita, terus yaudah gitu pulang. ASTAGHFIRULLAH, Tas gue tinggal dong. Untunglah laptop ditinggal di Lab ..... Yang menjadi masalah adalah, gue megang 60an tiket beasiswa cabang bandung kalo gasalah :( Gue panik, se-panik-paniknya. Gue cuman cerita sama 1 sahabat gue, gimana cara ngatasinnya. 

Ada solusi cepat yang gue bisa fikirkan, gue ingin menyakiti diri sendiri, entah itu tabrakan, terus yaudah gitu gue ga sadar, dan ..... berfikir "mungkin masalah akan selesai." 

Gila aja, ini benar-benar momen gue berfikir se-cetek itu! Gue cerita ke sahabat gue, dan dia meminta gue untuk tenang. Semua masalah pasti ada solusinya.

Gue tarik nafas dalam-dalam, mencoba tenang, sambil terus mencari di seputaran tempat makan tadi. Dan ..... ga ada yang nemu. Bapak/ Ibu pemilik warung juga ngerasa ga ada yang tinggal. Yasudah, nasi sudah menjadi bubur. Mungkin sudah ada yang mengambil. Waktunya untuk diikhlasin.

Tiket ini bagaimana? Gue tenangin, berfikir jernih, cari cara di google, nemu. Dan mau ga mau, karena sifatnya komunal, aku harus cerita dengan pihak yayasan! Alhamdulillah, karena dibelinya atas nama yayasan/ organisasi sosial, kita ga perlu ngumpulin KTP satu-satu. Great!

Tau ga sih, hal-hal yang gue takutin seperti apa? Sampe-sampe berfikiran cetek kayak begitu .....
1. Anak-anak ga akan bisa berangkat, padahal ini momen paling penting bagi sebagian besar orang
2. Beasiswa gue dicabut
3. Yayasan akan marah besar ke gue 
 Ternyata, ngga ada 1 hal pun yang terjadi. Yayasan sangat meng-apresiasi gue yang bertindak cepat dan ngomong langsung ke mereka. Dengan senang hati gue menawarkan diri untuk tetep bertanggung jawab penuh atas tiket ini. Dari segi pencetakan di stasiun terdekat, semua akan gue lakukan koordinasinya. Dan jelas, beasiswa gue ga dicabut, ngga ada yang marah, dan kita semua bisa berangkat bareng-bareng buat ngerasain 10 hari momen dilatihnya kepemimpinan kami.

Shit happens. This is life. And anything worse you would think gonna happen, usually end-up only in your thought, not in the reality. Face and overcome it. Semua ada solusinya. Coba cerita dengan orang-orang terdekat buat dapat insight yang mungkin bisa lo pake buat ngatasin masalah-masalah tadi. 


Aku punya beberapa kenalan yang punya suicidal thought. Ada yang muncul karena masalah cinta, ada yang muncul karena masalah akademis, ada juga yang muncul karena tekanan secara tiba-tiba, dan ketidaksiapan sang korban. It's not you aren't strong enough, tapi memang keadaan sedang menguji dan menempahmu menjadi orang yang lebih bijaksana. Yang pasti, God won't test you more than what you could take for. Seberat apapun itu, pasti lo bisa lewatin. Cari orang terpercaya, jika memang masalahmu dirasa perlu bantuan orang lain. Just in case you don't have or they aren't available yet. Feel free to contact me via Instagram/ any social media ya! Gue akan coba spare waktu untuk kalian!

"Suicide won't solve anything, it only passed these problems to those who loves and cares you, with heavier burden" - Anonymous

Thanks and Cheers!

Communicate by


Why I hate racism

23:29 rafi 0 Comments

You don't fight racism with racism, the best way to fight them is with solidarity - Anonymous


There are thousands or even millions of ethnics in this world, 700 of them came from Indonesia and produced more than thousand dialects across Indonesia. The idea of diversity actually is on human nature itself. If you slice and see the detail for each human you met. There might be different stories you can get, and that what makes us unique in every single way. Human is unique, even if you see the identical twins, there would be at least 1 from them that can be used to identify the babies itself, physically. 

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

It happened all the time tho. Sometimes, we didn't realize that we do it anyway. It usually happened when you generalize entire population of an ethnic into simple condition(s), and usually you describe them as not-so-good/ bad behaviors because you think your own isn't like that.

Now, let's try thinking it deeper and see whether you've done it before or not. In my case, sometimes in my own circle and even in my family, I found some racism activities, such as:
1) Describe Chinese as communism, sly, cheater/ liar, evil, and many form of badness. 
2) Describe Sundanese girls/ women as  opportunist, taking for granted, only search "rich men", always use money to buy make-up and looks good & stuff  
3) Describe Karonese men are lazy, always harsh and looking down to women, and didn't want to work hard and etc.  
4) Describe Bataknese are hardworker, clever, can communicate really well etc (Coz we came from Bataknese)

And the list can go on! 

Have you ever had this kind of discussion? I bet you have. Believe it or not, what you did might refer to racism leh.

Behavior, hardskills, softskills, emotional is something really personal. Just FYI, everyone can be a jerk at the moment and really nice after that. At the same time, you might see someone who seems really nice every time, and will lost himself by being evil, apathetic, liar, opportunist at the moment as well. Definitely, it has no race and gender, right!

To argue those comments I might hear and discuss, I used to tell my interlocutors that I knew lots of Chinese who's really trustworthy, have full of faith to their god, really kind to those she's not even knew, and having so many goodness within her (1). I also know lots of Sundanese who's really kind, istiqomah, never look social status of everybody he/she met, not being opportunist, and of course, strong & independent women & not so-depend with .... Men! Hoho (2). Karonese? Hmmmm, I know one person who's really hardworker, being so independent, and guess what even though he hasn't graduated yet, he already supports himself and his family by being entrepreneur. Yet, apparently he honors everyone and never look down to woman (3). Last but not least, I know lots of Bataknese who's being hardworking, clever, and can communicate their mind really well. Fortunately I found it on most person in various ethnic as well. So yeah, they definitely knows no gender and race but effort instead (4)!

This kind of behaviors & achievement is really personal tbh. It depends on the world a person live in. If he/she used to live with their comfort zone, where they only have small dreams and small ambition. As long as they live in peace, have wife & children and continue their live the way it is .... Will support their family by having small store or something. Then it's the way it is, you'll live as it is and won't expect something bigger will come. If you live like this, believe it or not, you will have similar thought about your life (somehow it affects your thought because the surrounding you live in). I know there's no something wrong with it (as long as you didn't do criminal things and take someone's rights), coz it's what mediocre used to do. But you're definitely able to change and be bigger. I remember there's one meet-up / seminar from ITB Alumni. There's this one guy, just graduated about 5 years a go, have really nice job abroad, but then left his company because he wants to do something for the country. Got a Job, learn from it, leave it, and start his own company. And you know what, this man came from the similar environment I just described, and at the moment he thought about it and change! From someone who's never got any achievement, to be the best student on ITB, and start his own company which have been growing better day by day.

Put yourself in Someone's shoes

As someone who's been discriminated, I felt hurt. Not being Baper or something, but I'll feel less human because equal rights cannot be achieved that daySO DOES RACISM. Those who's been judged, prejudiced, and discriminated would get the negative energy from it. As described on Blink by Malcom Gladwell, when African-American given some test to join best university, they split them into 2 groups, the first one was asked by their Race, while the other one were not asked at all. The result is completely different. The first one had less score than the other one because they felt entitled at first, that they're different. They cannot perform better because racial prejudiced they received. They thought the "Race" would be part of the judgement, and that's why they won't get accepted at all. So yeah, it can destroy someone's life and heart. So, always put yourself in that position whether you want to be treated like that or not.

Should be noted

For those who's been racism victim, remember one thing. Don't let other's judgement affect the way you think. Prove them wrong. Apart from your race, you can be those outstanding/ outliers human, as long as you can give the best effort for it. Remember being outliers can take many form, aside from when you're born (coz in this distraction era, it's not very clear what's the best birth year because our world's technology move really fast every seconds!). However, I believe, you can be a better person if you put the best of yourself in it, and take the opportunities that's given to you!

Thanks and Br,


Should we regret over the past?

00:43 rafi 0 Comments

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift, that's why we called it present - Anonymous

Have you ever felt this regretful feeling over the past? Why didn't I active in Highschool, why didn't I take this course, why didn't I take this organization, why didn't I try this and that. The list will never be done, coz there are thousands of moment that should and could be better, right? 

Should we think about this? Yes and no. Yes, we need to learn from the past. This is the best moment to learn and practice, and shape the tomorrow better. We can't know whether our marketing program would be succeed and failed. But instead of giving it all-in and might hurt the business, we can run a small project over 1 period (can be 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and so), and evaluate it overtime. We need to test the water, and let the market feel it. If the respond good, then there's higher chance this program can be BIG enough to acquire and win the market. However if the result below expected. Then it is what it is, cost might not be acquired, but we have one thing in common. A lesson learned. In the future, we might not need this kind of program, or maybe, there can be improvement, either it's from the process, prices, and even the form of the products. Test. Learn. Repeat. And this lesson learned should be in the past, right?

That's in the business perspective. 

Tbh, this fundamental of concept can be used in all kind of sector, including our personal life. Even for me, I really have so much thing I regret a lot. I regret why I didn't literate myself from childhood. Why didn't I read Bobo or Harry potter or anything that can be used to improve my sense of reading, which will increase my learning sense. So what? Rice has been cooked to be porridge. Instead of thinking how can I change it to be rice, why don't I think about make it sweeter/ hotter/ delicious, by giving it more side dish with ketchup, spice, salt, and even appetizer. This porridge, might be the best thing you eat, at least you make it yourself.

I also regret about my term during student in ITB. Why didn't I join MUN, why didn't I join English/ Debating Club, etc. The thing is .... if I join this club, I might not be able join in my dorm, and in the end, I've learned so much things right there, from leadership, time management, even the business itself. You might not know/ realize the path you've chosen, until you make a list. Try it, and face it. You've done your best, there might be 1 to 2 things can be better, then do it better in the future. Always learn from the past. Stay curious. And don't ever think you've enough with learning shit. Coz you don't! Everyday, you might and should learn something, either it's technical/ hardskill OR softskill instead. Both can support your future, and make something "mystery" more clear.

Last but not least, if you take regretful too far, believe me you will be stressed and even depressed. Where as, you still have thousands day to go, months to go, and years to go. This depression will take your energy, and in the end you will achieve less than before. You may regret, but then learn, and move on! Do not take it too far, be grateful for who you are, change your habits, and live better! Commit. Commit. and Commit. You only need 1 motivation, make it tenth goals, and commit to achieve one by one. 

"Allah will not change the (good) condition of  a people, as long as they do not change their (state of goodness) themselves (by committing sins and disobedient to Allah"

It's pretty clear, here. If you want to change your current condition, you need to commit yourself, that you want to change to be a better and person, and pursue it earnestly.

And that will be the end of it.

Thank you!


The Power of Broader Perspectives

01:05 rafi 4 Comments

"Just don't search for passion, create it instead!" - Anonymous


Have you ever listed everything you have done through your life? Let say, if you're a student, most likely, you will study, active in organization, join the competition, and etc. If you're a worker like me, most likely you will work from 9 to 6, some will do extramiles, and go home at 7 or 8, some might commute from 8-9 AM, and did the same when you're going home. Some, will read books during the commute, some will play game, some will read an articles on Medium, some might just swipe-up their social media and stuff. If you are an entrepreneur, most likely you will do anything from the execution, operational, customer service, and monitor all of the touch-point and business process that happened in your businesses.

The list can go on .....

Mine might be similar with the worker one, with additional activities that should be long-time habit for my life. This article was inspired by one of my friend in College, Judith. She's currently being a Journalist, despite her background as scientist/ meteorologist/ analyst which is fine. She was slicing one moment "Why" she keep doing her work, and believe that her work -somehow- could help not only herself, but also the others. Which I found completely cool, and already have such a great impact for those who read her articles (at least, me).

As a journalist, I really admire her because she's that person who could manage "move" all the time. Like somehow at 1 PM, she will be on A, and at 2 PM on B, C, and even D. Yeah, this perspective about her has been shaped during my term on ITB, which she's one of "Kader Emas" or "Gold Candidate" in many perspective. She was a leader on Religious Organization, being Senator on the Student Association, and being Minister on Student Executive Board. This is the same person when you're walking with her, there MUST be someone who greet her, whether it's her colleagues or juniors from many organization. So yeah, you won't ask "Why Journalist?" if you already know her well.

In her post, she gave one study case why she's working really hard in here. Starting from having a conversation a breeder and he/she told her that there's a change in Minister Regulation/ Policy about Local breeders involvement in producing Milk won't be mandatory anymore. She start studying this case by herself (thanks to Student Congress), and publish it on her newspaper. Next, she continued the study, and involve more resource from the breeder and related officials about this regulation. She keeps studying about it comprehensively, she found out that it's not only about the Milk Industry, but another thing relate with farmers and breeders. Surprisingly, the regulation will facilitate importers easily. Her Economic Head Desk directly want her to ask the officials, and ...... apparently there's no officials answered her questions. 

Instead of waiting from Executor, she asked the legislator directly. Hamdallah it's answered and the legislator will call the regulator to discuss about it.

Next 2 days, she got a news from the related staff that the deputy commissioner (she interviewed) gave APPRECIATION to the regulators (Like, WTF?!). Of course this kind of drama would happen, and she will do her best to -not only monitor- but also inform the masses about what happened with this country. And YES, this is only small slices of why she keeps doing it. And I really appreciate it.

Perspective (


What's the point of this, Raf?
For me, I learned a lot from this story tho. It reminds me about my personal goals, by being "Useful" to the humanity. I used to expand and see the perspective much wider. After 3 months being Professionals, I learned that -actually- what I was doing is not only for me. It's not only about developing me personally and professionally. But IF you want to, you can see it broadly, that what you've been doing is something good.

Let's take an example where I was being Data/ Business Analyst on Elevenia. If I limit my perspective as "Me, being worker, that should be developed personally and professionally", then I only support me in that position. I would do this job only because I need money or something, and will only think about my personal development, right? Why bother thinking about the others where I could maximize my potential for me (?). This perspective might lead you to meet your "personal-human-centric" goals (which is fine), but won't help you develop further and bring the values to the company & society.

Now, let's switch the perspective from here. Every morning, I was pep-talking with myself in front of the mirror. I told myself what values I can bring by being this Customer Analyst. Since when I was on Elevenia, I was responsible to give Seller Analytics, I listed down things values I could bring and why it's important. I put myself, If I am giving the best effort, then I could help thousand of small-medium sellers selling their product here, could help improve their "confidence" in selling things online, and could help thousands of buyers as well to buy things online securely and confidently. If this happened, of course the company itself would get the benefit at the fullest, and me, of course can be developed personally and professionally since I am being the best of me everyday to achieve this goal.

Make sense, right? It's kind of throwing one stones and kill 2 birds at the same time. You may achieve the broader and bigger goal without forgetting your personal goals. You can give more valuable things to the community and your company -which will be beneficial for your future career growth-, but can be developed personally and professionally as well. Let's take a look in Judith's case, if only she didn't have this broad perspective (& might goals), she might not be like this, to give 100% of her time in this job to support all of the people, fairly. What else can she take? Helping the helpless community? Monitor the regulators? Indirectly support the economic growth locally? And of course, develop herself personally and professionally?

Count me In, dith!

Achievement (


Bring it All, Together

This concept, as far as I know, can be used in every condition and every activities you did. Even IF you are a student, professionals, entrepreneur, anything. 

If you are a student, you can try to re-define the whys & what kind of impacts you can give to the societies. Let's take an example, If I am Meteorology student (which I was), instead of focusing thyself to get perfect GPA, I may re-think and focus with value I could bring as Meteorologist. I will set my target to "Be able to provide inclusive, effective, and accurate weather forecast in Indonesia".

Now let's thinking, if I have this ambitious goal, what can be happened? Of course, I will give my best to learn Meteorology, especially Weather Forecast Modelling, Data Analytics, and Meteorology Dynamic as well Physics to understand the Meteorology as a whole. I will take "Information System" subject seriously, and might develop the related project with my current ambition. IF YOU, being like this. I believe, your perfect GPA would be a piece of cake, because you've already done your best to achieve this noble goals.

So, what do you think? Dare to dream big and broading your perspective? Believe me, it's damn worthy!


What makes you stay motivate?

22:22 rafi 6 Comments

"Be ambitious. Get shit done. Keep your priorities straight, your mind right, and head up!" - Anonymous

There are tons of motivational quotes that can be used to motivate yourself and get things done immediately. But .... Do we really need this motivational things to make us keep motivated?

In my experience, yes and no.

Yes ..... to remind you that you're still have a long way to go, i.e. finishing your bachelor degree and stuff. Sometime, motivational quotes/ the inspiration you get would be only a wake up call that you haven't done enough shit in your life. Things stop right over there.

How about the execution?

It's definitely depends on your commitment!

Me, myself, and I tbh have some cases that I have motivation enough, but no execution to do so. Example? Diet! I was controlling my diet like 1 month ago, during Ramadhan Fasting. Surprisingly, my weight reduce 3-4 kg back then ..... I do have lots of motivational things that keep pushing me doing so ..... yeah, having a good body and of course being healthier is one thing. I have achieved my goals, surprisingly have motivational and rational reason. But I didn't do it seriously. Because ..... Simple. I don't commit enough.

Conversely, I do have one thing in common for the motivational stuff. But I commit it till now. What's that? Reading a book for a month. That's my target. I was inspired by some persons, who's busy as fuck but always give it a chance for reading a book. From the wealthiest person like Warren Buffet and even Bill Gates. Or someone who's indirectly impact the way I am now, mas Iman Usman, as well as another public figure like mba Afutami. They have been reading so much books in their life. And they have this kind of unique mindset, especially in solving problem and stuff.

These are the persons who made me regret my childhood, for being only a nerd, but not reading books enough, even till my students term.

Back then, I only able name several books I read, mostly only for academic purpose, and ...... reading it like part by part, for only answering several questions regarding Meteorology and stuff.

These persons, already motivated me enough to moving forward, and encourage me to give it a try for reading a book.

It Happened

I remember, on December, where I just promoted as Customer Analyst on Elevenia. My salary's still around more than enough to save, and I took another step for buying books. 

At the time, I was looking forward where I can find any imported books. Because I have a very bad experiences by buying some translated books. I was kind of reading a google-translated books, that I literally don't enjoy it ! That was a love/ romantic novel, and I was like "Dude, I didn't feel it at all"


This is why, if I'm looking any imported book, I would check the english one, even though it's going to expensive as fuck.

One thing should be noted, I hate e-book because it feels like blinding my eyes. I am easily got tired with it ..... And ..... of course, reading a book directly always give you a better feeling than reading an e-book.

So yeah, count me in to buy it, and let's start this one!

In the middle of the month, I went to the bookstore, and just look any books that's going to interest me. Mostly would be about  self-help like things about building good Habits, or it'll be about business and stuff. 

At the moment, I decided to take 3 books that's quite interesting, and getting any recommendation from my friends. I bought it. And there's no turning back. I was spending about 700K IDR or around 60$ back then (In Indonesia, honestly it could support you like  20 days straight!)


Books has been bought, motivation has been written. Now? Execution!

I commit myself to read 1 book a month. For meeting the objective. I should understand how many pages in this certain books. In example, in Outliers book, it's around 270 pages. So basically, if I need to meet this goals, I should at least read 10 pages a day. 

I do it.

Even when I didn't have any time, I would read it the next day, but with cumulative daily goals. For example, if I miss 1 day to read a book, then I would do 20 pages the next day. But ..... of course, I will set aside any thought for reading like 70 pages on the weekend ..... Because, actually reading a book 10 pages a day, would have different outcome with reading it like 70 pages a day. Because ..... your brain needs a fucking rest. that simple. that amount of information you may take, should be limited to certain numbers. Or afterwards, you won't have concentration enough even after reading all of this. 

This is, by definition, similar with learning one subject in one night. You may learn something, but it's not going to be perfect. And of course, your brain might forget something, that even though you've already learnt so hard about that.

So yeah. in conclusion. You need to calculate anything! Motivation & inspiration might help, but in the end it's your commitment that's going to support you to achieve your goals. It's your grit and perseverance that will keep you in a straight way ahead, for keep doing what might give you a pain, but the worthy one. Because in the end, after completing your mission, there would be a time, where you'll remember pain you have received, time you have given, how much sacrifice you have granted, and ..... how worthy it is because you have locked-out some achievement, that might impact your career and the way of thinking.

That, of course, would bring you smile, and happiness! Embrace it!