Petualangan di Perpustakaan Nasional RI

23:02 rafi 1 Comments

Ah, long week-end!

Tidak ada hari yang lebih membosankan bagi seorang perantau selain libur long-weekend! Kenapa? Karena ga ada yang bisa dikerjakan selain ...... Makan, tidur, movie marathon, baca buku, kembali makan, tidur, and the circle goes on :")

Yups, hal ini yang gue rasakan minggu ini. Literally ga ngerjain apa-apa selain blogging, baca buku, dan nonton. Masalahnya, ingin sekali jalan-jalan keluar. Namun, keadaan ekonomi sedang sulit, dan ini akhir bulan haha. Jadilah fix gue stay di kosan doang huhuhuhu.


Jadi, di hari Sabtu gue udah mulai memutuskan untuk baca buku yang udah lama gue beli. Judulnya "High Performance Habit". To be honest, gue suka kok sama impressi-nya, dan cukup banyak juga yang dijanjikan oleh penulis, apa aja yang bisa kita dapat. Gue mulai eksplor Sabtu Malam, sembari gue selingi nonton Pitch Perfect 3 yang udah HD, yey!

Nah, keadaan memaksa gue untuk bergadang juga. Karena adik gue, si Fikri, pulang hari Sabtu malam, pakai maskapai kesayangan, si Singa, dan ..... DELAY HAMPIR 3 JAM. OMG, untung murah :") Bahkan, hampir banget si Singa mau delay ke angka 4 jam. Tapi tahulah orang Batak, langsung keluar yang ada di dalam celana itu, gebrak meja dsb. Akupun juga gitu, kubilang sama si Fikri, klen jangan mau ngalah, enak kali si lontong itu delay pesawat.


Akhirnya, gue lanjut deh baca sampe bener2 BAB 1 itu 26 halaman selesai. Bukunya gedenya sama kayak The Four, tapi untuk ukuran font dan jarak word juga minim, jadi emang cukup takes time lah baca buku  itu. Inti dari buku ini adalah, High Performance itu ga selamanya karena "it" factor, atau genetika, atau emang udah jalannya. No, that's old school excuse! Everyone can be extraordinary, dengan melakukan Habit-habit penting yang dia perkenalkan. In general, it's all about Seek Clarity, Generate Energy, Raise Necessity, Increase Productivity, Develop Influence, and Demonstrate Courage. Untuk lebih lengkapnya, kalian bisa cek website, atau langsung baca bukunya ya :p

Ada part dalam buku, yang meminta gue untuk menyelesaikan Bab II dan III dalam 1 hari. Menurut penulis, isinya sih gabanyak. Eh waktu gue cek, kurang lebih sih 65 Halaman. Haha


Challenge Accepted!

Now what? Baiklah, gue udah komitmen sama diri gue, untuk nyelesaikan nih buku by Today. Pada akhirnya, gue tidur jam setengah 3 malam, dan bangun jam 9 pagi. Setelah menyelesaikan segala urusan pagi dari Daily Workout, sarapan, pooping, dan Mandi, gue pun bertanya ke Netizen, dimana tempat yang cocok untuk menyendiri dan menghabiskan waktu untuk BACA. Banyak netizen yang menyarankan gue coba Reading Room, Kemang. Awalnya tertarik, namun coba cek di Zomato sih, especially untuk harga Menu. Dan ..... me memutuskan untuk urung diri, karena dirasa harga makanan sepersekian harga buku. Yaps, inilah yang dinamakan DILAN-da akhir bulan!

Okeh, 1 netizen, bang Oji, menyarankan gue untuk coba Perpustakaan Nasional. Dude, gue ganyangka ada tempat begini yang buku di hari Minggu loh :") So happy.

Setelah cek tutupnya jam berapa dan terlihat tutup jam 4. Ku tetap mau coba, siapa tahu cocok, kan?


Terus? Langsung wara-wiri pesen gojek deh buat kesini. Next time, gue kayaknya mau pakai Transjakarta aja, karena ada deket Halte Busway. Harusnya sih ga ribet, karena bener-bener tinggal lurus weh dari Karet ke Sarinah ke Monas. Mungkin dari sini w bisa sekalian jalan sikit kan.

Sip, setelah sampai, w disambut dengan ini.

Gerbang Perpustakaan Nasional RI, Quite Edgy :3

Terus gue cek kan, impresi pertama gue adalah gedung tua di depan ini, "Apakah perpustakaan nasional sekecil ini?" me, being narrow minded.

Ganyangka, waktu  gue masuk, gue langsung kepikiran dong 

"Ini mana perpusnya ya? Haha, kok malah pameran"

At the moment gue nyadar

"Yaiyalah rap, menurut lo aja ini perpus nasional sekecil ini. Ini kayaknya emang museum pameran deh" Cqcqcqcq

Oke, langsung cap cus gue eksplor deh daerah sini. Dan tbh, gue seneng banget bisa kesini haha. Karena gue nemu banyak hal seperti lukisan gerak ala-ala Harry Potter, Foto Jokowi meresmikan banyak hal dan ...... Beberapa karya seni yang cukup outstanding. Belum lagi poster-poster bersejarah tentang Bhinneka Tunggal Ika yang menurut gue keren banget, atau terkait Budaya, atau naskah bersejarah lainnya. Beberapa w abadikan, dan beberapa menjadi object insta story me haha.

Check this out!

Frame mirip Harry Potter, bisa gerak!
Jokowi dan para menteri
Jokowi dalam peresmian suatu acara
Replika kapal yang menurut gue artsy banget
Tentang Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Ketjeh pisan!
Replika manusia pembaca buku, so arts

Tbh, have no idea ini teknologinya gimana, tapi ketjeh pisan sih, gambarnya dan penjelasannya berubah-ubah gitu
Replika manusia memahat (?)

Tentang topeng, budaya, dan variasinya.
Masih banyak yang bisa didapat dari museum ini, so, buat kalian yang tertarik, ayo datang!

Okeh. Di penghujung museum, gue pun menemuka pintu keluar. Dan ..... Ternyata baru deh kita sampai di Perpustakaan Nasional yang aslinya. Nah, buat kalian penasaran, begini nih penampakannya!

Yups, seperti yang lo semua pikirkan. It's Majestic AF!
Gue aja udah bahagia melihat depannya. Ga nyangka loh negara sangat mendukung manusianya untuk membaca! Huftina! Demi mendukung Nawacita Jokowi, yoyoyo!

Sip, lantas, bagaimana kondisi di dalamnya?

Yuhuuu, itu rak buku segede itu loh! Walaupun untuk pajangan, tapi ku melihatnya sangat senang!
Okeh, jadi catatan buat kalian, kalau mau naik, jangan lupa untuk titip tas kalian ya :)) Nanti gitu masuk, langsung belok kanan, disitu ada tempat penitipan. Masing-masing pengunjung akan diberi kunci Loker serta TAS kecil yang disediakan perpus, bagi kalian para pembawa Laptop. (Mon maap ga sempet motoin itu).

Nah, di lantai 1, kalian sebenarnya bisa explore beberapa karya seni kok. Kayak sketsa presiden RI dari Bung Karno, sampe pakde Jokowi, lengkap dengan buku-buku terkait mereka!

Pak Soekarno!
Pak Soeharto!
Pak Habibie!
Pak Gusdur!
Bu Mega!
Pak SBY!
Pak de Jokowi!
Kece kan? Iya, they are so cool, and that's the moment of silent, at least for me, that perhaps I haven't given anything big to my country. So different with them, regardless the backstory of their regime, ya!

Okeh. Gue pun mencoba menelusuri tiap lantai. Nah, lantai 2 adalah tempat registrasi kartu. Ngantri cukup panjang dan lama loh! Dan w baru tahu, kalo mau naik ke lantai 20, 21, 22, 23, dimana tempat koleksi buku terbanyaknya, itu kata satpamnya harus punya kartunya dulu. W tidaq punya pilihan selain buat! Untunglah, w sudah bawa buku yang memang ingin w baca, kan?!

Btw, di setiap lantai, kalian bisa banget loh ngelihat beberapa karya anak bangsa yang dipajang! Apa aja? Ini contohnya!

Mendaki Cita - Gantungkan cita-citamu setinggi langit

Tentang membaca buku tidak kenal budaya

Tentang penyemangat hidup, bahwa dunia diperuntukan bagi mereka sang pembaca
Pada akhirnya, aku memilih satu tempat yang cukup jauh dari keramaian, di Lantai 4, terdapat sofa empuk yang diperuntukkan bagi pengunjung manapun. Disitu ada tempat pameran buku-buku yang tidak banyak dikunjungi, ada juga kamu bisa melihat indahnya Monas secara langsung di teras dekat sini.

Milea, ketahuilah bahwa pemandangan monas ini, jauh lebih cantik ketika kau melihatnya secara langsung.
Baiklah, ada satu kritik yang ingin ku sampaikan untuk mbak-mbak Kantin perpus. PLEASE, ini adalah perpustakaan, tempat dimana kita menginginkan ketenangan. Tolong mbak, tolong, jangan hidupkan musik hip-hop :") Ada satu waktu, dimana gue sangat terganggu dengan lagu-lagu yang mereka putar. Bukankah sebaiknya, memang tidak diputar sama sekali?


Demikianlah cerita gue di Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Jadikanlah membaca, sebagai aktivitas rutinmu, karena ia tidak hanya memberikanmu pengalaman, tapi pemahaman dan ide, dari penulis-penulis hebat.


Never too early to lead - College Life

19:26 rafi 0 Comments

Just begin (Source:

"I should change"

That's what I told to myself when I was being first-year student on ITB.

I realize what I've been through during my senior high school terms. Yups, I was just studying back then, not really involved in organizational experience, just compete myself with others to achieve top academic achievement, grab scholarship, and back to study.

Well, I don't really regret those moments, since it's the one who helped me worthy enough being accepted on ITB, without taking any written test, which I have prepared that as well, just in case if I wasn't accepted from this way.

But one thing I was concerned is, this is not the best of me. I tell myself that I should change, and balance my life, whether it's about academic and social stuff, anything should be balanced. I told myself that I should be able to lead, I should be able to influence people, I should be able speaking in front of lots of people (yups, back then I was literally shaking-up whenever I speak in front of people, even if it's just a few). And I have determined, this should be my turning point, to be a better person, starting from now.

OK, in this post, I will concern about one thing. Leadership.

1. Bumi Ganesha Dormitory

My senior taught me, we're never too young to lead. Even, we need to start building our leadership since young. I admit, I have lost in starting point. Back then, I just stuck on "Member" point, only observing how to lead, without really concern about that thing. And I was wrong.

Anyway, in leadership terms, you can't start directly on the top of board, unless you're born with it (which is I don't). So, basically I need to start my leadership career in one specific organization I choose. Yups, I choose Bumi Ganesha Dormitory, cause it's not only offering you cheap rooms, but also sustain organization, that's been established for more than 30 years.

During one year, we need to have "Kaderisasi", or you might say "Regeneration" terms, where all of the freshmen guided and learned any dormitory values. In here, we need to lead ourselves (yeah, discipline myself) to achieve socialization target (with other dormitory members). Perhaps it sounds easy, but it's not. We have our own schedule from morning to evening, and we need to adjust with other's member, which probably have their own unique schedule as well. We need to set appointment with them, and ...... Yeah, this is quite exhausting if you're not really social persons. Yet, the interview takes at least 1 hour per-person. This is insane!

Oke, besides leading myself to achieve goals, we need to create our own event, that needs overall 3 - 4 months preparation. I took role as Sponsorship, and in here, even though I didn't assign as head of department, everyone has equal voices, we challenge ourselves to achieve goals, and make this event real (of course with profits).

During this year also, I assigned as Intern on 2 business department (yups, our dormitory is independent organization, taking not a dime from ITB, and could be established this long cause by their creative startups that's build from a scratch.

Oke, I do enjoy my first-year program, passed all of the test, and officially be a member of this dorm. Next year, I was being vice minister of Business Innovation department, establishing 1 laundry business that's been proposed by my minister last year. This organization, by far, had its own Consultative assembly (MPR), President, Minister, Vice minister, Head of department/ Manager, and Intern. And of course, everything would be accounted for what they have done to dormitory so far.

I helped my vice minister to achieve his goals, and separate several work program for both of us. To be honest, I didn't take it seriously, and I must admit, I was failed to be the one.

During my third year, I was responsible to be Head of Laundry Management department (Yups, we're focusing on this), under the Minister of Economic. I was leading 6 employees and 1 vice department, and learned a lot from this. Being a leader, is about commitment, I was leading 6 employees (where  all of them had different background and motivation to work, and I need to fulfill their expectation, without ignoring the main goals, to take profit and met customer's expectations). When I was distracted, there would be problems growth, and you need to take decision asap before it's rooted and hard to be revoked.

Yups, Commitment (Source: Here)

Just like what I said, there should be commitment here, I was lost it at the moment, and it's not ending well, and at some point, I need to focus my energy right there, to fix what have been broken. And we did it.

Yups, even though I didn't make it to 50% successful rate (for all of my work program), I could get several achievement especially increase the total of investment (enrich the laundry tools), make it more sustain to get tones of service done on time.

Oke, last but not least, during my last year of students, I was responsible to be a member of Consultative Assembly, transfer values to the freshmen, helped alumni meetup done and collect pension fund to our employees as targeted.

2. Meteorology Students Association (HMME)

I decided for not taking any units besides BG and Student Association.

During my second year, we have got our major, I choose Meteorology as my major (had lots of reasons here), and of course, intend to join Student Association. At first, it's simply because "There's nothing to lose" but it's not. Since we are at the same Major, we will go through this together for the next 3 years, pursuing what should be achieved and stuff. It changed to be give what you have learned to develop this community. From here, you may serve to the society, but with academical and more rational ways. And since we learned the same thing, we -somehow- have similar way of thinking to solve the problems.

At Kaderisasi/ Re-generation terms, we learned about this organization values, vision, mission, what kind of division they had, anything. We, even, had "Saturday Session", where HMME invited one of "cool" alumni, to give us, the fresh-meat, what can we do after we graduated. This was -of course- important, since Meteorology's not really favorite major, and the least major you want to take in ITB. Not for me, I came here for a reason, at least, I have faith about this haha.

Oke. After being appointed, and official member of HMME. I was intern in Academic Division, idk, because I was one of top 3 students who had highest GPA. And I guess I want to help anyone to study Meteorology.

On the next terms, I was being a member of Science and Research Division, simply cause I begun loving Meteorology, and perhaps, I was quite "Geek" for that. Yups, learning from mas Fadil about Zephyrus, one of social project from HMME. I must admit, I didn't really put myself in here, since I should focus myself on Bumi Ganesha.

Next term, I was being Head of Research by myself, lead 4 members. The work load obviously not really that much compare with BG, this was why I didn't take it seriously. I could manage do 2 out of 3 work program successfully, especially do the public discussion about Meteorology Phenomenon (Back then, there are strong El-Nino, and determined as National Disaster cause we have wide drought and worst forest fire, so far).

One thing I regret, I didn't try to develop my members well, mostly I do it myself, ya even though they didn't complain, but I guess that's not the right thing to do. Whereas, perhaps I could delegate things to do more, and perhaps we could achieve more research if I could manage them well (which I didn't do).

About developing together (Source: Here)
And that's that. That's my end of career on HMME, back to focus on BG and established my own projects after that.

3. Disaster Creative Mapping and Education

I am not going to talk much in here. You may check my report right over here

For me, I personally grateful that I could establish this project, together with > 13 volunteers + Local Youth community supported by BEYOND ASEAN and Young Leaders for Indonesia. I definitely learned a lot from this, learned about Commitment, where instead of going to my hometown (North Sumatera), I chose to stay in Bandung, and giving my full time to do this project. Also, I was sharping my Public speaking, where we're challenged to give the information about disaster for local communities, which might be not really had good education, but urgently need this type of information. Dedication and awareness also played huge roles to this project, simply when we surveyed to the slum areas, and saw how vulnerable they are IF something happened. These were something that could triggered and gave you lots of motivation to keep your projects on track.

In General

Speaking of leadership. Many of us thought, this is something we will have in the future, and slowly but sure, we might have this way of effective leader do, during their leadership term. We might learn just by observing it, and applied it directly to our lives, right?

Agree to disagree. I agree that we might learn this by observing, this -perhaps- one of safest way to learn leadership. But this -of course- takes time. Instead of waiting in the future, for the right moment, why don't we take action and learning it from now? Try from leading small projects, developed into the big ones, and enjoy the process. You may do something wrong, and try to fix it during your leadership.

My next tips for you ..... In any project/ organization you lead, try to be committed, dedicated, and focused with it. One or two organizations are enough, but if you're sure you could give more dedication to the others, it's obviously oke. One of more leadership advantages are .... You could know more about yourself, and of course, it's part of your self-awareness, which is one of important keys to be successful person.

Source: Here

Take Opportunities

If you're given the opportunity to lead. Grab it fast! Especially if you're still in college, where you could make mistakes as many as you can, without getting fired. Of course you need to be accounted, but this is the best place to experiment the best leadership style you have.

Me, of course, always try to take any opportunities I had. When I was given opportunity to lead DCME, I took it, when Adnan (President of HMME) asked me to help him achieve his goals, I took it. I guess, there's nothing to lose for taking these opportunities, and once again, this may develop you well and faster than the one who's just having free time with themselves*.

*PS. There's nothing wrong about this, it's just about what option you choose. The result, of course, might different, if we saw it in the future.


Review: Western Beef Bacon Carl's Jr! - "Uniquely Satisfied"

14:15 rafi 0 Comments

Halo gaes,

Jadi gue mau review salah satu menu favorite gue di Carl's Jr nih*

*Favorite karena rasa dan promo yang tersedia hehe

Oh iya, ini adalah review kedua gue terkait makanan sih. Untuk review pertama adalah Salted Eggnya KFC, coba cek disini

Nah, kalo misalnya kalian perhatikan. Setiap hari Jumat tuh kalo kalian pesan Carl's Jr via go-food, itu pasti bakal nemu 1 sub-menu: Buy 1 Get 1 Free nya Carl's Jr loh. Hanya ada 1 menu yang tersedia, namanya Western Beef Bac.

Buat kalian yang ragu, hmmmm, jangan khawatir. Karena harga asli dan harga yang dibayar sebenarnya masih tetap sama kok. Yakni sekitar 54K. Dan ...... Sebenarnya promo ini ga hanya tersedia di Go-Food, tapi juga kalo mau makan dine-in juga mereka sediakan. Kenapa w bisa tahu? Well, setiap ke Plaza Semanggi, w sempatin liat banner yang tersedia disana sih, emang ada promo Buy1 Get 1 Free khusus hari Jumat. Hehe.

Baiq, enough with chit-chat ya.

Nah, tips dari gue kalo kalian pesan Go-Food, usahakan ada go-pay sedikit saja. Jadi ..... kalo gopay gue lagi kosong, gue bela-belain chat temen gue buat kirimin 1000 doang sih. Terus yasudah, kalo udah ada 1000 rupiah, diskon dari Gopay jadi berlaku. Awalnya ongkir sekitar 9000 jadi cuman 5000 aja. Heuheu.

Nah, setelah menunggu dengan seksama, range waktu di 15-30 menit sih, tergantung cuaca dan jarak juga. Mamang gojek nelfon dan gue tunggu di deket 10th Residence-nya setiabudi. Tenang, gue bukan penghuni sana kok :") Belum mampu haha. Kebetulan Gojek sangat familiar dengan kost tersebut.

Oke, langsung kita unboxing ya.

Pertama, dari segi tampilan nih, begini penampakannya.

Western Beef Bacon - 1
Western Beef Bacon - 2
Baiklah, itu yang dibagian tepi kanan, terlihat seperti baconnya Babi kan. Tenang, itu beef kok :3 Jadi, Inshaa Allah halal.

Anyway, sepintas beef bac ini terlihat tipis kan yah. Tapi sebenarnya dari ukuran juga besar dan pas di genggaman sih. Sebenarnya kalo makan 1 juga udah cukup puas. Tapi karena berhubung buy 1 get 1 free, yasudah gue makan 2 dengan catatan gue ambil jarak makan kira-kira 1/2 Jam deh haha.

Soal rasa, menurutku kalo masalah daging burgernya sih 11 12 sama dagingnya BK yah, cuman lebih berisi dan lebih juicy coy, overall not so different lah. Cuman yang bikin unik di Western Beef Bac tuh, kita bisa menikmati jamur portobello + bawang bombay goreng yang dibalut dengan saus barbecue serta mixed penyempurna burger, keju (not really sure what the type is) tapi sudah meleleh dan cukup enak. 

Overall, gue kasih rating 8/10 ! Bahkan adik gue juga kalo gue beli ini dan doi minta, bilang ini enak banget rasanya. Heuheu.

1 Lagi tips dari gue, kalo makan ini bakal enak banget kalo dilengkapi dengan Stout-nya angker sih. Gue pribadi suka, walaupun baru kepikiran kombinasinya sangat tidak sehat, ya :") I mean, fast food + Beer not so wise sih .... But for those who's thinking YOLO, it's definitely worth your health lah hahahaha.

Tbh, I prefer Anker than Guinness cause Guinness had more bitter taste (which I don't really like tho)
Cukup-cukuplah kehidupan ini pahit, namun tidak untuk rasa beer, yah.

Oke. Sekian review cantik Carl's Jr dari gue, nantikan review-review lainnya yaaa haha. Gue sangat berharap komentar kalian terkait konten sih, supaya mendukung SEO dan .... I love chatting with you guys :))


Tentang Bosan - A Poem

21:27 rafi 0 Comments

Saat ini aku sedang bosan
Berdiam diri di kamar
Tidak melakukan hal yang berarti sedikit pun
Aku sedang  tidak ingin menyentuh buku-buku itu

Ingin rasanya pergi jalan
Namun badan begitu malas bergerak
Ingin rasanya temui keluarga
Namun mereka di luar pulau Jawa
Dasar anak rantau,
Selalu saja punya drama dilema
Rasa-rasanya ingin menikmati Kota
Namun harus memikirkan sisa rupiah
Gajian masih lama pula

Oh Tuhan,
Berilah hamba satu petunjuk
Untuk menghabiskan waktu yang terasa lama ini
Haruskah hamba menikmati rasa bosan ini?
Bagaimana caranya?


Menghilang - A Poem

23:41 rafi 1 Comments

Mengapa ada rasa cinta
Diantara pertemanan biasa

Mengapa ada rasa sakit
Ketika dia hilang,
Tanpa jejak dan petunjuk

Dia pergi menjauhi
Tidak sedikitpun memberitahu
Alasan dibalik itu
Ah, Tuhan, 
Bantu hamba jauhi perasaan ini, ya
Biarlah aku yang mengalah
Dengan melupakan seluruhnya


A week worth of marketing - Study case: Facebook ads

00:11 rafi 2 Comments

Hello guys!

So ..... I would share my experience using Facebook ads. One of -not so- cheap advertising.

Basically, I wanna try something new. I want to know how the advertisement works in facebook, since I just read book about The Four, which scare the hell out of me. There's no such thing as "Free" account, because when we sign-up to this apps, we should agree to share -all of our- personal information for them. And ..... of course they may use it to target and market, us, right? Yaps, we're talking multi-billion dollar net worth company tho.

So, here's what I was doing before.

1. Discovering

"How facebook ads works?" Simple. Determine which content you eager to promote > set target > set budget > boost > wait the result.

The first thing I do was ...... create a post that I want to promote.

Since this is probably my first, and my last, I want to assure this post is impactful enough. And to achieve that, I need to determine which post that I would publish, and boost it.

I, in other words, one of my top articles called "Kenapa memilih jurusan Meteorologi" or "Why choosing Meteorology as your major". Fortunately, this topic has 3 main articles. I wrote the content, assure it's eye-catching enough, not looks so boring, and stuff. I put all of the three, and wishing every single link would be clicked by them.

OK. Set.

Now, set the target.

This is actually easy enough to be set. What you need is just put the location, and set the range of people would be targeted. Well, I put several big cities to be targeted such as Medan (my hometown), Palembang (not sure why), Jakarta and Bandung (These are the main course), Cirebon (since lots of awesome persons I knew live here, including Meteorologist geek), Depok (cause Judith and her spirit to combine science with Journalism), and ...... Semarang and Surabaya (simply cause they are Metropolitan I guess).

Ok location done. Now, I set age range.

Since these articles about "Major stuff". I definitely target my audience for Senior High School students to be 21 years old. Why? Caused I hope there's FITB student who wants to join this major, tho :p From these set, I could reach 16 Millions account, alive.

Ok done. Now, budgeting.

This is the important part, if you don't have any budget, your ads won't be a thing.

I top-up my credit to be 140K, and budgeting 7 days worth promoting, with 10K a day worth spending. By using only this budget, I would just reach about 20K out of 16 Millions available audience sih haha. But that's obviously oke sih. I'm just trying things now.

Budgeting and top-up credits done. Wait till your link checked by facebook's team. So that it could met their standard terms and condition. Waiting about half hour and done.

Now, my promotion's run!

2. Monitoring

Now, it's time for monitoring your ads. Simply just see how your promotion works, from xxx impression, how much engage, and click your links.

After 2 days running, I found that my target audience who clicked the link, most likely were Female with age 16-18. Only 1 or 2 click from > 18 years old.

Based on this, I edit my targeted audience, just purely for Senior High School students. Well, these kind of mindset have been built during my apprenticeship lah. Moreover if we talked about Targeted customer. It's just useless if we keep running our targeting audience, that won't even click, but only get the appearance of my ads. You know, I pay for that shit, so won't cost me more for that. Hehe.

So yeah, monitoring does important to manage your cost-effective, here.

3. Conclusion

Well, this is the important parts -,-

From 7 days of running these ads. I conclude that ..... Marketing is not cheap. See? One week worth facebook ads only worth 213 clicks .....

I could get those numbers with only 3 days in average, and perhaps ...... With only sharing articles from my facebook, twitter, line, etc.

Right here, I does understand how marketing's channel should be integrated well. If we're only used paid promotion it's expensive af, but if we're just using the organic, the result might not so good, and perhaps slow af. And one thing, keep using all of your social media, and don't forget to share your articles with those apps. Remember,

Even for me, perhaps I won't use any paid promotion since I just did it as my hobby, and haven't had any vision to make it as my second money source. Hehe

Oke, that's all from me, guys!

Good luck for trying things ya, it's worth you money kok for discovering things.
And I guess it's nothing to lose. I bet, those 21K persons, at least could remember my post in the future and search it on google soon :p #SoPositiveThinking #GrowthMindset


Bye and good luck gaes!


Review: Salted Egg Chicken - KFC

23:30 rafi 0 Comments

Hello guys!

Jadi gue akan sedikit review terkait Salted Egg Chicken yang baru aja launch di salah satu fast food favorite gue: KFC. Sepertinya ini salah satu special menu yang mirip dengan Cheesy, Choco-Spicy, dan Mini Chizza sih, jadi kemungkinan hanya terjadi di periode tertentu.

Well, sebagai pelanggan setia, gue jelas udah coba semua menu special yang diatas. Ada yang "B aja" kayak Cheesy sauce nya KFC. Ada juga yang "Weird af" seperti Cho-chicks nya KFC. Dan "Astounding" nya Mini Chizza but the size tho ..... Sangat-sangat ngga banget :").


Tbh, gue hari ini ga ada rencana apapun buat nyobain Ayam telur asin-nya KFC ini. Tapi .... gegara w menemukan insta story temen gue, si @nike_taruna. Alhasil gue tanya deh rating dari doi gimana ._. Dan doi bilang "Enak kok". Dan ..... satu hal yang penting

"Size-nya gimana nikkk? Gue ga mau kecewa seperti Chizza"

"Hmmmm, karena ini sebenarnya Ayam Super Besar, terus dikasih saus, jadi size-nya mah kayak yang biasa"

Kurang lebih sih gitu ya hehe.

Nah, sampailah pada akhirnya w sangat ngidam ._. Sampe cek go-food, tapi ongkirnya mehong. Agak sayang gitu kalo cuman beli paket ini tapi harus ngeluarin duit 10K buat ongkir haha. Keluarlah strategi koko-koko gue. Yaps, karena kebetulan w mau cari-cari case buat hp w di Ambas, gue hitung-hitung deh ongkosnya. Alhamdulillah cuman 12K PP. Nah, KFC terdekat ambas adalah ..... Plaza Festival. Would take 10 minutes to walk, baguslah ya, sekalian ngurangi kalori 50 kkal, tapi yang masuk 500-an kkal kan :")


Sampelah gue ke Ambas, beli kebutuhan gue + Baju batik lagi hohoho. Sempet mau ke Transmart buat beli beer, tapi w inget kalo w mesti taubat kan. Beer taste ain't that good, and of course would ruin your health. Akhirnya w langsung saja ke KFC ...... Awalnya sempet mikir "Beli yang super besar 2 raf!" Tapi ntah kenapa lain di hati lain di mulut kan, w cuman bilang "yang SB1 salted egg 1 mas". Hehe. Achievement unlocked!


Akhirnya kesampean deh! Begini penampakannya:

Salted Egg Chicken - KFC

Texture: Creamy, Grainy, Sticky. Enough to make you feel "I should wash my hand soon" haha.
Taste: Not so-salty. Hanya berasa sampe level kulit. Yaiyalah, sausnya sendiri emang udah dibikin dari sananya, terus dituang aja ke ayam crispy-nya. Jadi emang ga terlalu meresap. Dan ..... dari sekian banyaknya bumbu telur asin yang pernah gue rasain, baik dari Resto D-C*st, wong denai, dan beberapa resto di medan (w sampe lupa namanya), gue selalu meletakkan D-C*st diurutan paling bawah kan ._. Dan rasa salted egg ini masih dibawah D-C*st, hiks. Jadi kalo diminta ngasih rating, w akan kasih rating 6.5 - 7 sih, ga lebih. 

Dan ...... lagi-lagi selera orang berbeda-beda gaes. Apa yang gue rasa, belum tentu kalian rasakan, apa yang gue bilang b aja, bisa jadi kalian bilang enak. Maafkan daku yang berlidah batak dan minang ini :") Untuk urusan makanan lezat, sering pilih-pilih, walaupun semuanya dimakan. Haha :p


Karena siplah, untuk suasa sendiri, w sangat suka sih di Plaza Festival ini, suasana cukup kondusif untuk menikmati buku "The Four" yang masih pada tahap 35% penyelesaian. Hoho. Of course, it's worth mein money jadinya. 



Gimme a reason - A poem (Hate being ignored)

21:32 rafi 0 Comments

Why should I feel that way?

I used to be forgotten,
And that's absolutely ok since I easily forget people
I used to be blamed,
And that's fine since I often make mistakes
But being ignored is too much
It's like you're right over there, we are this close, distance won't be a thing
But .... you ignored me
Am I even exist?
Often asked myself that way
And just like that,
Universe ain't give me the answer I need
Am I doing something wrong?
Am I doing huge mistakes?
Am I offending you that much?
Thousand questions need to be answered
And you, keep doing that thing
Avoid speaking with me
Scorn me without telling me the truth
And that's hurt
Hurt much


For those who perceive this message,
It's ok to tell me the truth,
And I am fine if you didn't want to contact me at all
Because that's absolutely your right
But of course just give me a reason, so I won't do it anymore to others