I am Feminist

21:49 rafi 0 Comments

Do you consider yourself as Feminist ? Yes, I do! Because I believe in Gender Equality in every matters of human right

  1. 1.
    a person who supports feminism.

Thanks to Mr. Trudeau that inspired me to declare and describe myself as Feminist, though :) This feminist movement is really important to advocate the equal rights of humans especially between men and women. Mr. Trudeau himself, has created a cabinet with equal number of men and women.

Source: Huffingtonpost.com

Source: weforum.com

Yups, I do believe that women should have same opportunities as men, because they do capable to do what men can do :)

My question would be: What about you? Do you consider yourself as Feminist?

PS. This might be the reason why I hate men who see women just by their appearance and just as "sex" things. Vice versa!


Ayo Indonesia, Bangun!

09:36 rafi 0 Comments

Dear Indonesia,

Please, jangan jadikan Indonesia sebagai Racist and Bigotry seperti isu yang sedang berkembang di Amerika .....
I always see their news, and it was really fucked up
Ketika polisi-polisi mereka membantai "African-American"
When the majority of Trump Supporters told immigrant to leave their own country 
Ketika Muslim-American dicerca habis-habisan karena mereka dianggap Terrorist karena ulah beberapa orang yang bahkan tidak mencerminkan Islam sama sekali - Thanks to Ignorant people, though
Ketika Muslim-American tidak lagi punya suara karena mereka berada pada posisi Minority

Ini bukanlah Indonesia yang aku tahu
Indonesia -yang katanya- punya 700 lebih etnis, 1000 dialek, dan ke-Bhineka-Tunggal-Ika-an
Ini bukanlah Indonesia yang aku tahu
Indonesia, yang kemerdekaannya, merupakan perjuangan seluruh manusianya pada jaman itu, tanpa memandang "Aku dari agama mana atau etnis apa"
Indonesia, yang dulunya, hanya punya satu tujuan, yaitu Merdeka

Indonesia, kau lebih baik dari ini!
Please Stop! Tolong hentikan!
Hentikan kata-kata "Mayoritas" ataupun "Minoritas" mu itu
Aku tidak mau memiliki sifat para "Pembully"
Please Stop! Tolong hentikan! 
Aku tidak mau, Indonesia yang menganggap Agama selain Islam sebagai minoritas yang harus menghormati orang yang merasa mayoritas ini
Kalau begini, apa bedanya kita dengan orang-orang Barat disana?

Dear Indonesia,
Ayolah, jangan mau dipecah-belah lagi
Ayolah kita satukan visi-misi, bukan lagi karena satu Etnis ataupun satu Agama, tapi satu Indonesia
Ayo Indonesia, Bangun!
You're better than this!

PS. It's not poetry, It's just my personal thought about How fucked-up our Indonesia is, and What kind of Indonesia I want. Indonesia Darurat Toleransi!


Kado Terindah Natal untuk Kevin

21:39 rafi 1 Comments

Halo guys ! Tulisan ini gue dedikasikan untuk Kevin, sebagai salah satu sahabat Gue. Hehehe

Pertama-tama, untuk sahabat-sahabat gue yang mayoritasnya adalah Non-muslim, baik Kristen maupun Katolik. W selaku sahabat kalian, ingin mengucapkan "Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru (Final countdown!). Semoga damai dan kasih Natal selalu dan tetap ada dalam diri kita semua". Aamiin !

Hari ini, tepat sehari sebelum Natal 2016, gue mendapat kabar yang luar biasa bikin gue menghela nafas panjang dan lega se-lega-leganya. Kenapa? Salah satu sahabat gue, Kevin Agustinus Lazarus, telah resmi di-diagnosis tanpa Tumor dan Kanker paru-paru. Setelah struggling sejak Juni dan Juli silam, kevin mulai berobat ke dokter karena nafasnya yang terasa sesak dan batuk-batuk. Nyeri pun kian terasa dan terus diperparah. Berobat ala-ala mahasiswa ITB, di BMG, namun ternyata batuknya ga berhenti-henti. Satu ketika, Kevin pun dirujuk untuk mengikuti segala prosedur yang dokter minta. Mulai dari Rontgen awal terus dikasih obat untuk beberapa minggu, dan rontgen lagi (ternyata tidak ada perubahan). Sesak dan batuk tak kunjung berhenti, obat juga tidak terobati, hingga akhirnya kevin mulai cek darah, dahak, dll untuk memeriksa ada kemungkinan TB atau ngga. Lagi-lagi, hasilnya negatif! 

Bulan Oktober, struggling temen gue ini makin menjadi-jadi. Bingung sakit apa, TB ngga, batuk biasa bukan, sesak ga sembuh-sembuh dan makin parah. Akhirnya kevin pun dirujuk (lagi dan lagi) untuk CT Scan. Bukan biaya yang murah, seinget gue, sekali CT scan ini bisa sampe 1.8 Juta. Truly thanks to Jokowi's program, BPJS, yang menanggung segala prosedur pengobatan Kevin! Serius pak, thanks bgt ! Dari CT scan ...... sempat ditemukan adanya benjolan di paru-paru kanan kevin. Dari diagonosis, memungkinkan adanya Tumor ...... Kami pun terdiam (gue sama amel nangis), dan tak henti-hentinya terus menyemangati Kevin personally atau via group opportunist yang kami buat. 

Akupun mencoba mencari tahu hasil diagnosis tersebut (begitu pula kevin). Lagi-lagi, hasil di google malah memperparah semangat kevin saat itu. Lagi-lagi, tak henti-hentinya kami menyemangati Kevin!
"Tenang kev, ini belum final, kita ikuti prosedurnya. Kalau kata teman gue yang dokter, yang penting penyakitnya dulu ketahuan. Biar tahu pengobatan yang benernya seperti apa. Serius ! Semangat kevinnnn!" 
Sampelah disaat kevin dirujuk di RS persahabatan, dan akhirnya diminta untuk tes TTNA. Lagi-lagi, harus cek darah bla-bla yang sempat bikin kevin down. 
"Sejujurnya gue udah lelah nih gaes"
Yasss, semangat terus bertubi-tubi datang (dan ga mau berhenti). Percakapan pun terus-menerus gue lakukan. Gue kontak si Kevin setiap hari walaupun hanya sekedar nanyain kabar. Huhuhuhu. "Semangat" adalah satu kata sederhana, tapi luar biasa powerful menurut gue. It really is effective, though!

Hasil TTNA keluar ! Tidak ditemukan sel ganas, pungkasnya. "Puji Tuhan! Ya Allah Alhamdulillah", gue bilang ke kevin. Tapi, karena belum ketahuan penyakitnya apa, kevin pun dirujuk untuk Bronkoskopi. It looks painful, though. Tapi lagi-lagi, kevin harus dijaga semangatnya, karena ga baik kalo dari diri doinya aja udah ga semangat dan stress banyak pikiran. Saran temen gue yang dokter sih,

Berdasarkan bronkoskopi, tidak ditemukan sel ganas, tapi ...... kata dokternya udah Stadium 4 ...... Kevin literally menghilang selama 3 hari ...... Balik-balik muncul, bilang kalo dia sempat stress bla-bla-bla ........ yang gue lakuin, lagi-lagi menyemangati. Dan karena dulunya nyokap gue kena kanker, gue sarani kevin pergi ke Penang, Malaysia. Tapi dibatalin karena kata dokter rujukan Kevin (yang sudah sangat handal serta senior), bilang percuma kalo penyakitnya belum diketahui. Usut punya usut, Kevin dirujuk untuk ngelakuin VATS Biopsi, yang ternyata luar biasa mahal (Rp59.000.000), thanks to BPJS, once again, semua ditanggung :"

Voila, tepat hari ini, satu hari sebelum Natal, Kevin sempat ngabari kita kalau hasilnya Negatif untuk Tumor dan Kanker. Fix ini seperti dugaan dokter seniornya, yang ngomong bisa jadi ini TB (dan beneran). Yeeeee! Gue senang-se-senang-senangnya, sempet mau nangis juga terharu, akhirnya doa kita bersama-sama terkabul :" Bagi gue sebagai sahabatnya, it's so BIG! Dan gue yakin, bagi Kevin ini adalah Kado Terindah Natal untuknya.

Makan-makan cantique di Rumah Kevin (masakannya enak bgt Tante!!!!)

Foto ke SMP Kevin (do not ask me the reason why)

Foto ke SMP Kevin (do not ask me the reason why)

Foto ala-ala anak Kompleks Duta Keranji (Keranji Ambassador Housing)

Foto ala-ala anak Kompleks Duta Keranji (Keranji Ambassador Housing)

Bersama Mama Kevin yang Super Strong!!!!

PS. I don't need your opinion about "Why you said Merry Christmas to Kevin? Why these ..... why those ....." I don't really care, though. Because, I knew, lots of my best are non-Muslim, and I am glad to know them, though. And, I think it's ok to say it for them as long as I keep my Aqidah by myself. Thanks 


What Makes Bandung so Windy?

21:48 rafi 3 Comments

Hello !

Currently, I was wondering why Bandung is so windy, literally. Both in Daylight or Night. It seems like, the winds were quite intense as well.

First of all, I am not talking about "Wind" that was happening when storm came. Because Storm used to followed by strong wind both vertically (to enhance the storm development) or horizontally caused by Wind Burst (in the surface though).

Based on the definition of Windy /ˈwindē/
"marked by strong wind or by more wind than usual <a windyday> b : violent, stormy." (merriam-webster.com)
So, yeah, I am talking about "more wind" though. Even though it's so windy, there's not much rain happening though. Probably, all of the clouds was moved on the other side of Bandung. Anyway, back to the first question, what makes Bandung so windy?

Well, to answer this question, I need to explain about "Wind Mechanism"

Please keep in mind, that wind blows because there's a difference between pressure from one location to another. Wind blows from High to Low pressure area, never the other way round. In local scale, we used to know about "Seabreeze and Landbreeze". It's caused by the pressure difference of land and sea. Why? Let us say, Land has lower heat capacity than sea. It means, land is easier to get hot rather than sea. In atmosphere (which is not ideal gas), the more heat, the less pressure in it. Because atmosphere is not "closed system", when you heat it, it's gonna expand and make the atmosphere Less dense.

Which means, every day, whenever there's "Sun light" that's gonna warm the surface up. There would be pressure difference between Land and Sea. In daylight, it will cause "Seabreeze", where winds blow from sea to land. Vice versa in the night, we will have "Landbreeze", where winds blow from land to sea.

It can happen with Lake and Sea too ! (Source: wikipedia.com)

Alleged Mechanism Why Bandung is so Windy

Ah, that's the first thing !
Next, I am guessing, the answer for our question would be, there's Strong Seabreeze that's happening, right now ! 

First of all, let's see the position of Sun, right now.
You're right, It's summer in South Hemisphere !
Java Island is located in Southern Indonesia, right?

1) This condition would create condition, where Java's land would be so hot, but the sea won't be (Because the capacity of heat that I was explained in the first place). The difference would be huge, and would create strong Seabreeze.

Bandung Location in West Java (Google Maps)

If we saw carefully, meridionally (based on its latitude), Bandung is located in the middle of West Java, right? And we know, there would be Seabreeze both from North and South of it. Does it mean, the winds would met in Bandung? No! First, because there's coriolis effect. Second, the sea breeze from South would be stronger than from the North.

Depth of Sea in Indonesia (Source: BBC.co.uk)

What makes it stronger? Because, the Indian Ocean is deeper than Java sea. It means, Indian ocean has more heat capacity than Java island, which makes it harder to warm it. This will drive the Pressure difference more, and will make Seabreeze stronger. Even, one of my lecture said that Seabreeze from south Indian Ocean in Java Island, can across the Java island itself.

Last but not least, if you're watching "BBC: Earth Extraordinary Journey" (I literally recommend you to watch it). You may get the information, that Southern Hemisphere ocean is cooler than the Northern Hemisphere ocean in Summer! It's all because, there are more Land in northern rather than in southern.

This leads us, having more Stronger Sea Breeze because the local mechanism, right?


Our seabreeze probably ended up in Purwakarta or somewhere else (Idk), or even went to the Java sea as well. So does in the Night, when south Indian ocean would be warmer than Java Sea and Java island itself. Which makes stronger Landbreeze to Indian Ocean. Thanks to Summer (in Southern Hemisphere) and the mechanism of Heat Capacity, though :)

Ah, that's all about today ! Hope the hype stayed and the questions be answered yah guyzzz !

Anyway, If you have something to discuss, you can go to the comment section below! And just let me know, yah!

Yes, yes, I know, Bandung is so Cold !


Belajar Berkata "Tidak"

17:23 rafi 0 Comments

Halo gaes !

Tulisan ini dikhususkan untuk diri penulis yang masih belajar tentang poin penting "Kehidupan". Tapi jika ada yang bisa dipetik dari tulisan ini, silahkan ambil hikmahnya :) 

So, baru-baru ini, gue belajar tentang pentingnya berkata "Tidak". Karena apa? Karena jika kita meng-"Iya"kan semuanya dengan tujuan untuk membahagiakan semua orang, maka ada kemungkinan malah kamu yang akan disusahkan. Dewasa ini, kita sudah belajar tentang Prioritas dan Daily Goals yang perlu menjadi acuan dalam menjalani pekerjaan setiap harinya. 

Simple, when you already have plans, then do it first. Make sure you achieved your goals, and when you'still have some "Free times", then probably you can help them. And once again, it's literally up to you. Not her, him, them, or even me. You may choose who you'll help, as simple as that.

Tapi, gimana dong? Ga enakan nih sama orangnya.

It's your problem then. Disinilah lo harus berani ngomong "Tidak" kalau memang lo ga sempat. I bet, most of them will understand you kok. Like, for serious, we're the one who needs help, if you can't then probably we can ask another help, from the others. Simple.

TO whom it may concern: Let's learn to say No together. This time, like for real. It's not good to be "Yes man" or "Yes woman" if you may say. You have this "Freedom of choice" though


Bachelor of Science, right? (Unofficial Noted)

23:16 rafi 0 Comments

Well, I am official Bachelor of Science in Meteorology, but now what? Official to be unemployed (do not have this "Student" label). Yups! It's probably continue my study abroad, or looking for sustainable jobs, though. But, no matter what I will choose, I need to take a note with ....


Thank you Mr. President (of the US), thanks for your inspire speech :")

Welcome to the new world, Raf !


El-Nino and Its Effects to Indonesia

14:21 rafi 0 Comments

El-Nino Meaning and Definition

Based on Wikipedia,
"El Niño is the warm phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (commonly called ENSO) and is associated with a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific (between approximately the International Date Line and 120°W), including off the Pacific coast of South America."
El-Nino is an anomaly that happens on Walker Circulation (One of global circulation that has role on Weather pattern on Earth).

So, It's easy to understand what driven this phenomenon. First, you can Imagine there are a "warm pool" across pacific, that could be shifted to eastern or western area. Because it's kind of a cycle, we can't say "Who's first ?" (kind of "Who's first? Egg or Chicken?"). But, you can say that Indonesia is the main Actor here.

El-Nino happens when the "warm pool" shifts eastward along the equator, toward pacific ocean. Normally, this "warm pool" near Indonesia and the Philippines. But during an El Niño, the Pacific's warmest surface waters sit offshore of northwestern South America. When this warm pool shifts to Nino 3,4, or 3.4 (it's kind of coordinates across pacific ocean), this is gonna affect the pressure on the areas. We know that this "warm pool" gonna make an Low-Pressure Areas, and will create its own circulation ! (Wind blows from High to Low Pressure, right?)

You can see this Picture to compare it yourself
Normal Condition vs El-Nino illustration
See? There are shifting on Convective Areas. And one of greatest effect for "Indonesia", is Indonesia could be Draught and Fire-forest could happen because of it.

Why did I use quotation mark on Indonesia?
So guys, you should understand that Indonesia is a Big Word.

Generally, you may say that "Indonesia" may be affected by El-Nino. But .... not really.
Indonesia, have 3 kind of climate-pattern based on Rainfall peaks.

1. Monsoon Pattern
The Areas with this pattern, usually have a great different between Wet and Dry season. It's clearly driven by Monsoon phenomenon, that happens because of ocean-continent temperature distribution. Eastern Monsoon would bring a lot of water from the Indian-ocean and pacific ocean, different with western Monsoon that's not really carrying moist water across Australian continent and indian-ocean.

2. Equatorial Pattern
The areas within this pattern, usually have 2 rainfall peaks because of the Sun position. We know that, Equator areas would be have 2 Equinox a year, that makes evaporation through Equatior should be maximized and for several areas, it affects them a lot.

3. Local Pattern
Basically, local pattern seems like Monsoon pattern but vice versa. It happens because the local geographic condition (usually happens on the areas near Mountain) because Orography effect.

Indonesia Rainfall Pattern according to BMKG
Generally, we can see Indonesia's pattern here. But, even if we Zoom into Bandung, West Java, we could see this pattern !

Bandung Rainfall mapping according to UNPAD
Believe it or not, the center one has Monsoon Pattern, where the yellow one has Equatorial Pattern, and the orange one has the local pattern because its mountain area. We still need a lot of Research to create climate Map on many Indonesia Areas. Because Indonesia, is really complicated one, and this makes us, Meteorologist, hard to predict the accurate Weather because the Scheme that's not really fit with Indonesia Geographic position.

Back to the Topic, El-Nino does affect "Indonesia", but you must Specify where the Area is, because not all of Indonesia areas be affected with it. Even if El-Nino happened, Bogor might still have some extreme storm though.

I think that's all guys. Hope this could give you a lot of information about El-Nino and La-Nina that's happening lately :)


Oleh-Oleh Ilmu dari Untukmu Cisitu II

10:46 rafi 0 Comments

Cara Menanam Hidroponik

Halo semua ! So, hari ini, saya akan berbagi tentang apa yang saya dapat saat mengadakan Untukmu Cisitu II pada tanggal 04 Desember 2016, kemarin. Percayalah, selain mendapat pengalaman dari pengonsepan, perencenaan, serta pengembangan project penghijauan ini. Ada beberapa hal yang mungkin perlu saya bagi buat teman-teman yang mungkin berhalangan hadir pada waktu tersebut.

Yups, yang pertama adalah terkait materi pelatihan di hari tersebut. Diawali dengan pembukaan dan kata sambutan dari Presiden KAM Bumi Ganesha ITB, serta Ketua Panitia Cisitu Menghijau II, materi pun langsung diberikan oleh Ibu Chie Chie dan Pak Boy Hidayat dari Green Education Bandung. Setelah melakukan perkenalan singkat serta alasan mengapa penting melakukan penghijauan di wilayah sekitar, kami pun langsung diperkenalkan dengan beberapa sistem tanam Hidroponik, salah satunya adalah Hidroponik wick sederhana. Bahan yang digunakan hanyalah Botol Air mineral 1.5 Liter + Sumbu + Spons

Ilustrasi Sistem Hidroponik wick (Sumber: http://www.kebunhidro.com/)
  1. Diawali dengan membagi botol air mineral 1.5 L menjadi 2 (dimana bagian atas lebih lebar dibandingkan bagian bawah)
  2. Kemudian pada bagian atas botol, diberikan beberapa lubang yang berguna untuk sirkulasi oksigen (aerasi)
  3. Adapun bagian tutup botol dilubangi sedikit dan dimasukkan kain flanel / sumbu sebagai medium tanaman untuk mengambil air.
  4. Setelahnya, ambil bibit/benih tanaman (tidak perlu menggunakan tanah)
  5. Bibit yang telah dibersihkan tanahnya tersebut, kemudian dibungkus dengan media (bisa dalam bentuk spons)
  6. Kemudian letakkan bibit yang telah diberi media ke bagian tutup botol tadi.
  7. Isi bagian bawah botol dengan air nutrisi yang berisi nutrisi Makro (Nitrogen, fosfor, dan Kalium) dan Mikro (Boron, tembaga, besi, dll)
Sistem Hidroponik wick pun telah selesai. Beberapa hal yang perlu dicatat adalah jika botol yang digunakan dapat menembus cahaya  matahari (putih, bening, berwarna tapi tidak terlalu pekat), maka bagian bawah botol yang berisi air nutrisi perlu ditutupi oleh plastik hitam. Kenapa? Untuk mencegah pertumbuhan lumut di dalam botol, yang nantinya akan memaksimalkan pertumbuhan tanaman.

Setelah menjelaskan sistem Hidroponik wick, kami disungguhi oleh ilmu penanaman semi hidroponik. Yakni menggunakan tanah bernutrisi (Tanah dicampur dengan sekam padi atau sekam bakar), pastikan tanah dikepal dan coba dilepaskan, jika langsung terurai, maka tanah tersebut baik digunakan untuk media tanam. Media yang digunakan hampir sama, yakni botol 1.5 Liter.

Sumber: http://pojok2.blogspot.co.id/

  1. Diawali dengan membagi botol air mineral 1.5 L menjadi 2 (dimana bagian atas lebih lebar dibandingkan bagian bawah)
  2. Kemudian pada bagian atas botol, diberikan beberapa lubang yang berguna untuk sirkulasi oksigen (aerasi), namun jangan terlalu keatas. Hal ini berguna mengurangi air yang berlebih, tapi tetap menahan beberapa air yang akan digunakan untuk Fotosintesis
  3. Setelahnya, ambil bibit/benih tanaman, masukkan ke dalam media tanah yang telah dicampur sekam tadi.
  4. Dengan menggunakan kawat (yang tidak terlalu tipis, setebal batang korek api), bolongi beberapa bagian lubang, agar dapat digantung menjadi vertical garden
  5. Tambahkan air, dan gantung ke bagian tiang/dinding yang mendapat penyinaran matahari pagi sampai siang.
Nah, sistem ini dikatakan semi hidroponik karena jumlah air yang digunakan tidak terlalu banyak, serta perawatannya tidak terlalu ribet. Mungkin 2 - 3 hari tanaman diberikan air lagi sambil diperhatikan pertumbuhan dan hamanya.

Terakhir, kita diberikan materi tentang cara kerja Hidroponik yang diinstal di BG.

Dokumentasi Pribadi

Nah sistem kerjanya cukuplah sederhana. Bibit yang telah dibungkus ke dalam spons dan dihubungkan dengan sumbu/ kain flanel, kemudian diletak ke dalam bagian paralon. Nah, air nutrisi yang ada di ember, dipompa ke bagian atas paralon, kemudian mengalir ke bawah hingga kembali ke tempatnya lagi. Adapun air nutrisi ini perbangingannya tiap 1 liter air, diberi 5 ml atau 1 tutup botol larutan makro dan mikro. Sistem ini cenderung gampang, karena kontrol bisa dilakukan 2 - 3 hari sekali untuk melihat jumlah air dan hama tanaman (yang cenderung jarang).

Kita juga dikenalkan dengan sistem aquaponik, yaitu airnya bukan lagi dalam 1 tong tersebut, melainkan dari kolam ikan (bisa berisi lele atau ikan mas, dsb). Nutrisi sendiri diambil dari kotoran ikan, jadinya tanaman yang dihasilkan 100% Organik. Belum lagi biasa operasional yang dapat di cut. "Ikan juga menjadi lebih sehat, karena sirkulasi oksigen ada, kolam lebih bersih" Imbuhnya. Nah, sistem pompa 45 watt ini, tidak perlu dihidupkan 24 jam loh! Karena kan fotosintesis kejadiannya dari pagi hingga petang. Jadi juga bisa menghemat listrik kalian.

Gimana? Tertarikkah menggunakan metode ini? Jika iya, alhamdulillah ! Karena ga ada yang tidak mungkin dalam melakukan perubahan :p

"Penghijauan, berkebun, dan menanam sendiri makanan kita bukanlah perkara Tidak ada lahan, namun hanya perkara kemauan hati dan disiplin diri." - Pak Boy, 2016

Semangat gaes! Semoga membantu ! If you have any question, just comment it below, yha :))


Untukmu Cisitu II - A Community Development for Cisitu

10:05 rafi 0 Comments

A Community Development on Cisitu, Bandung

Ah, it's been a while I haven't posted anything, yet.

Well, today, I wanna tell you about our last project, Untukmu Cisitu II. Well, actually, it's part of Bumi Ganesha program, to give an education about Hydroponics and Vertical Garden. Well, our goals were:
  • Getting 50 participants from Cisitu society
  • Getting 15 participants from Bumi Ganesha occupant
  • Installed Hydroponics installment so that BG can be an example for local societies
Voila ! After planning and developing the program for almost 3 weeks, we succeed to engage and collaborate with other community, such as "Green Education Bandung". With intense publication (by Poster, Official Account Line, and inviting the societies door to door, directly), we succeed to get more than 60 Cisitu and 20 Bumi Ganesha participants. We gave the material theoretically and practically. Alhamdulillah, the locals were quite enthusiastic, which were giving lots of questions and commitment to try this at their own home.

Pak Boy and Bu Chie Chie from Green Education Bandung gave the workshop

Pak Boy and Bu Chie Chie from Green Education Bandung gave the workshop

Pak Boy and Bu Chie Chie from Green Education Bandung gave the workshop

Met our awesome participants !

Met our awesome participants!

Met one participant took one photo shoot hoho

Met the awesome committees !

Special thanks to Elektro 99 Foundation (which was covering all of the projects fee), Green Education Bandung as a Speaker and Adviser, KM ITB for sharing our projects by their OA Line, YFCA as a partner, and all of the awesome committees ! Cheers !


About Me

13:39 rafi 0 Comments

Hello, my name is Muhammad Rafi Al-Hariri Nasution, I am currently studying in Meteorology Department, Bandung Institute of Technology :) You can call me Rafi, Tanjong, or Ari. I am taking minor in Atmospheric Science and Environmental Meteorology. Atmospheric science was studying about Weather and Climate prediction, but it's much deeper. We were focused on Mesoscale prediction, which is really important for short and long term decision making. Not only mesoscale prediction, we used to learn about Atmospheric teledetection (observation using radar) and ocean and atmosphere interaction. Environmental Meteorology was studying the impact of physical meteorology for the environment. Climate Change, Climate Policy, Agrometeorology, and air pollution modelling is the main subject of Environmental Meteorology.

Big data analysis (3-D, 4-D, and even 5-D of data) has been our main concern. Because in Meteorology, we tend to analyzing data temporally (T), spatially (X and Y), and even vertically (Z). Tools like matlab, excel, fortran, phyton, and R has been our daily tools to analyze this kind of data. So basically, programming, mathematics, physics, interpretation, and even data presentation is a must skills. Because, our societies, government, or client didn't really care about the process but result, and it must be as simple as possible :) So yeah, here I am, studying in one of the most complex fluids on earth (which is so random and having high uncertainty).

My Final Assignment / Thesis is "Prediction of Australian Summer Monsoon (AUSM) and The Beginning of Rainfall Season (BRS) in Java Island by Using Climate Forecast System (CFS) Version 2 Output". Kind of interpreting the output of CFS that's predicting the rain rate, and doing the downscaling data from 1 degree to be 0.25 degree, and evaluating the CFS to predict the AuSM onset and the BRS. Soon, would be registered to International conference or scopus :)

Anyway, if you want to know my Track Record (Achievements, organization, and work experices) Just find me on:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rafiharirinst
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rafiharirinst
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rafi_hariri
Email: rafihariritanjong@gmail.com
And feel free to contact me ya :)


Satu Kalimat yang Mendorong Mindset Pemuda (#1)

23:14 rafi 0 Comments

Opini dari Pemuda Indonesia 


Yups, malam ini saya akan membahas 1 kalimat yang dulunya dianggap sebagai bahan "candaan" namun agaknya mengakar jadi satu pola pikir atau mindset yang salah. Sebelum saya lupa juga haha
"Udah gausah diberesin sampahnya, nanti kan ada tukang bersih-bersih yang ngebersihin. Kalo kita ikut bersihin, nanti mereka makan gaji buta"
Dan kemudian semua tertawa .......

Nah, terus kalimat ini juga sering dikaitkan sama buang sampah di Jalan dsb
"Kalo ga buang sampah sembarangan, jalanan nanti bersih, tukang sapu makan gaji buta dong"
Seriously, candaan-candaan gini sering terdengar waktu saya kecil. Hingga akhirnya candaan yang tiada matinya itu terus terlontar. Perlu kita sadari, kalimat-kalimat yang kita dengar ataupun ucapkan, dapat mempengaruhi mindset maupun alam bawah sadar kita secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Which is, behavior yang HARUSNYA salah, dianggap benar dan tetap dilakukan dan dianggap biasa. Nah, saya jadi teringat sama iklan opini.id yang saya lihat nih ...... Dan iklan ini juga yang mendorong saya untuk nulis terkait ini haha.

(Source: Channel Opini ID)

So gaes, beware with your words! Karena bukan hanya mindset kamu yang bisa berubah, namun juga orang-orang yang berada di dekat kamu (bisa jadi adik, kakak, teman, sepupuh, dsb).

Thank you!


Ambitious they said ..... Opportunist they said ......

15:12 rafi 0 Comments

Source: Kevin Gates fans page

Something they wouldn't understand .....


Analisis Mekanisme Hujan Badai di Bandung (Studi Kasus: 13 November 2016)

12:02 rafi 2 Comments

Hipotesis Mekanisme Hujan Badai di Bandung

Kemarin siang hingga malam, Bandung terus dilanda hujan hingga banjir terjadi dimana-mana, bahkan Indonesia Tenggalam (Intel) di ITB, tenggelam beneran ......

Intel Tenggelam (Source: Shared photo by Azizah, 2016)

Stasiun KA (Source: Shared photo by Azizah, 2016)

Bagaimana tidak, hujan yang terjadi di siang hari merupakan hujan kategori lebat (> 20 mm / jam). Dan hujan ini terjadi selama 2 jam berturut-turut hingga jumlah CH sekitar 51 mm / 2 jam .....

Intensitas curah hujan terukur oleh Automatic Weather Station (AWS) di ITB 
(Source: Shared photo by Azizah, 2016)

Cuaca pada siang hari tersebut tak hanya diselingi oleh hujan lebat, namun juga disertai oleh Badai petir yang terus menyambar ..... Hal ini membuat penulis menganalisis, adanya awan Cumulonimbus (Cb) yang sedang terbentuk di atas .....

Ilustrasi penampakan awan Cb - Indah dan majestic af namun proses di dalamnya luar biasa barbaric
(Source: strangesounds.org)

Bagaimana awan Cb terbentuk?

Hal ini dikarenakan adanya proses adiabatik lembab (moist adiabatic process) yang terjadi di atmosfer ..... 

Pada umumnya, proses adiabatik memang terjadi di Atmosfer. Ketika parsel udara mengembang, hal ini mendorong lingkungan melakukan kerja untuk melakukan penyesuaian terhadap suatu sistem parsel tadi. Namun, dikarenakan konduktivitas termal udara sangat rendah dan luasnya daerah sistem yang terlibat, membuat hampir tidak adanya transfer panas antara sistem dan lingkungan. Sehingga, karena lingkungan terus melakukan kerja tanpa mendapat energi, energi internal lingkungan akan berkurang, secara fisis dapat terlihat suhu lingkungan yang terus menurun. 

Logikanya, ketika suhu lingkungan terus menurun, sedangkan sistem terus menerus mendapat pasokan energi dari panas latent yang dilepas uap air saat berkondensasi menjadi tetes awan. Maka terdapat perbedaan densitas diantara keduanya. Dan proses adiabatik memperparah hal tersebut ..... Sehingga pertumbuhan awan konvektif (yang cenderung menjulang keatas) terjadi, dan terbentuklah awan Cb.

Its main ingredient: Much water vapor in the atmosphere! 

Saat ini, Indonesia sedang dilanda oleh 3 fenomena atmosfer .....
1. Monsun Asia Musim Dingin (MAMD)
2. Strong La-Nina
3. IOD Negatif (http://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/the-three-climactic-conditions-which-suggest-a-long-and-difficult-bushfire-season/news-story/1db2aea5af7108c4419a00f1406e9387)

Yulihastrin (2010) menyatakan bahwa monsun memiliki peran yang penting dalam peningkatan dan penurunan curah hujan di Indonesia. Hal ini dikarenakan banyaknya uap air yang terbawa saat melintasi laut china selatan.

Ilustrasi Monsoon (source: http://www.goes-r.gov/)

Habis El-Nino, terbitlah La-Nina ..... Kedua osilasi atmosfer yang biasa disebut ENSO ini memang hanya terjadi pada periode inter-decadal (2 hingga 7  tahunan). Namun, ENSO sendiri memiliki pengaruh sebesar 50% terhadap variasi curah hujan di Indonesia (Estiningtyas dkk., 2007). Saat ini La-Nina kuat sedang terjadi, La-Nina terjadi karena adanya penguatan prevailing trade winds sehingga kolam panas yang seharusnya berada di pasifik sedang bergeser ke Indonesia, yang membuat Indonesia menjadi kaya akan uap air! 

Ilustrasi La-Nina (source: https://www.theweathernetwork.com/)

Adapun Indian Ocean Dipole negatif, dimana keadaan Suhu Permukaan Laut (SPL) samudera hindia barat lebih dingin daripada SPL di timur, sehingga terjadi perbedaan tekanan dan terdapat pergerakan angin yang membawa uap air melimpah dari afrika ke australia melewati samudera Hindia dan Indonesia. 

Intinya ..... Uap air di Indonesia, dikarenakan ketiga fenomena ini, sangat melimpah! Dan ini menjadi bahan utama terbentuknya hujan maupun badai.

Waktu Hujan di Bandung

Penting untuk diketahui, bahwa distribusi curah hujan terhadap waktu hampir bisa dikatakan seperti grafik 1/x

Fisisnya, semakin tinggi intensitas curah hujan, semakin sebentar waktu hujan terjadi ..... Artinya, awan Cb yang membuat intensitas curah hujan tinggi, seharusnya terjadi sebentar (paling lama 1 hingga 2 jam). Namun, hujan yang terjadi kemarin memiliki durasi yang cukup lama. Mengapa?

Hal ini penulis duga terjadi karena adanya front panas yang terbentuk setelah badai terjadi. Front adalah batas pertemuan dua massa udara yang mempunyai sifat fisis (suhu dan densitas) yang berbeda (Tjasyono, 2004). Front panas terjadi ketika terdapat massa udara panas yang bergerak kemudian menabrak massa udara dingin yang diam. Karena massa udara dingin memiliki densitas udara yang lebih berat daripada massa udara panas. Maka, massa udara panas tadi dipaksa naik, hingga pada ketinggian tertentu, terjadilah kondensasi. Awan yang terbentuk pada front panas biasanya awan stratiform (biasanya nimbostratus), yang tipis dan luas. Intensitas curah hujan yang dihasilkan rendah, namun durasinya lama/awet.

Penting untuk dicatat, front sangat jarang terjadi di Indonesia, karena perbedaan suhu udara di Tropis tidak begitu tinggi. Massa udara di benua tropis cenderung massa udara panas yang memiliki densitas rendah. Lantas, darimana datangnya massa udara dingin kemarin? Jawabannya adalah dari badai yang terjadi sebelumnya!

Kondisi kota Bandung yang berbentuk cekungan, berada pada ketinggian diatas 700 mdpl, dianalisis dapat membantu pembentukan Cold Pool atau kolam dingin ..... Sesuai definisinya, Cold Pool adalah daerah yang memiliki suhu udara relatif dingin pada peta cuaca yang biasanya ditunjukkan pada isoterm tertutup. Nah, dengan adanya Cold pool ini, Front panas dapat terbentuk. Massa udara panas yang kaya akan uap air (ingat 3 fenomena cuaca yang sedang terjadi) dapat dibawa oleh angin monsunal atau juga angin laut yang terjadi di siang hari hingga menabrak Cold pool yang ada di Bandung. Untuk itu, setelah badai cumulonimbus selesai, pembentukan awan nimbostratus terjadi. Hal ini menghasilkan hujan yang tidak terlalu tinggi intensitasnya namun durasinya lama! Hingga hampir jam 20.00 baru selesai loh.

Yaps, demikian analisis mekanisme Hujan di Kota Bandung pada 13 November 2016. Karena Bandung ini cukup unik strukturnya, Hujan seperti 13 November bisa saja terjadi di lain waktu ..... Banjir seperti tsunami ataupun air bah bisa terjadi dimana dan kapan saja ..... Jika melihat adanya badai petir disertai hujan deras, lebih baik untuk berteduh ataupun stay di tempat yang aman :) Jangan diterobos gaes! Stay safe!


The Art of Sharing and Caring

23:54 rafi 0 Comments

Confused would describe my current situation.
You wanted to care but they didn't share.
You didn't care but they told you how selfish you are.
You gave them attention, they didn't look back
You DGAF, they keep shouting "Hey look! Up here!"

Note to myself, we need to share not only the happiness but also the sadness .....
The art of sharing, somehow, you will notice how care your friends are ..... If they were beside you while you're happy, and they completely lost when you were covered in sadness ..... Then, I suggest you to look another 'best friends' though :)
Kinship ..... Friendship ..... would be completely bullshit if your friends didn't even know how fucked up you are ..... Even when you already use the "depressed" or "anxiety" mask though .....

The art of sharing, somehow, you will see who's still stand beside you in the very low point of you .....
Yups definitely .....

PS. This note was written for me, especially, learning from the fucked-up situation :))


Current Situation (?)

00:37 rafi 0 Comments

In a nutshell .....


Life Ain't No Drama

07:12 rafi 0 Comments

Morning Inspiration though .......

(Source: likesuccess.com)


The Options ...

05:36 rafi 0 Comments

God! I love this Movie and the Novel as well !


This is so into me ...

04:14 rafi 0 Comments

Why do nice people choose the wrong people to date?


Happiness in a Nutshell - Photos and Realities

23:35 rafi 0 Comments

Ah, it's a month already since my very last post !

"Raf, what kind of activities are you  working for?"
Hmmmmm, Basically, I'm still doing several projects as Tunza Ambassador, Youth for Climate Agent (YFCA) founder, and People 's Consultative Assembly (MPA) of Bumi Ganesha. Besides, having several workshops as Grant Winner of PMW, and last but not least, doing my Thesis! Yeah, basically, I need to create my own reports on Tunza, conceptualizing the Fundraising for Alumni Meeting, and Organizing YFCA's event. Yet, I was being Project Leader of Earth Day 2016, and etc. Sometimes, I will have "me time" such as Gaming and Dancing (literally) hoho!

Enough with Intermezzo!

Tonight is the night, I will write about Happiness. Such a simply word that's stuck between Time and Space, expectation and reality, hope and dream, ying and yang (what the ....). Even though it's that simple, lots of people keep struggling to achieve it, sometimes, they think they have achieved it, but they're not satisfied ...... yet.

And then, asking them a simple question
"Are you sure? Have you been happy, yet?"
You know what, suddenly, I was asking myself
"Wait, what's happiness? How to define it? How to measure it? Is it even measurable?"
 Basically, there's no certain answer though. But then, here comes the answer from Holy Quran
"Which favors of your Lord you would deny?" (QS. Ar-Rahman)
This phrase repeated 31 times, which makes me interested more!
Goddamnit, How could I not be grateful enough? I was often thinking what I didn't get instead of what I have; Thinking what I have failed rather than what I've done; Cursing my sickness without seeing its positivity (How close I am with my Lord since last time I was sick); you name it! Lots of things that's just happened in my Life should make me Grateful. THIS is what makes you reach your Happiness.

Happiness in a nutshell? Really? What just happened through your life, even if it's a failure, can be your Happiness. At least, in the future, you won't do same mistakes, right?

Well well, organizing your files especially photos, can bring a flash and throwback of my Life. These, can be my Happiness definition. These would stay in my memories, for the entire of my life. Lots of things had happened, and THESE what I should be grateful for :)

11th May 2016 - 2012 Class of Meteorology!

30th April 2016 - Not-so-Ice Cream Time! (Due to my dengue issues)

27th April 2016 - Cinema Time!

24th April 2016 - Reunion Time!

24th April 2016 - Earth Day Time!

(Even, there's me on someone's post HAHA)

25th March 2016 - Children Farming and Crayon Campaign Time !

Which was nominated as Best Article on Tunza hoho!

Well, surrounded by Inspiring people! That's what happiness all about! Anytime you're feeling sad, just remember and keep positive! Fill your heart with positivity to pursue the Happiness! Hoho

PS. Not-so-nutshell post

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