What Makes Bandung so Windy?
Hello !
Currently, I was wondering why Bandung is so windy, literally. Both in Daylight or Night. It seems like, the winds were quite intense as well.
First of all, I am not talking about "Wind" that was happening when storm came. Because Storm used to followed by strong wind both vertically (to enhance the storm development) or horizontally caused by Wind Burst (in the surface though).
Based on the definition of Windy /ˈwindē/
"marked by strong wind or by more wind than usual <a windyday> b : violent, stormy." (merriam-webster.com)So, yeah, I am talking about "more wind" though. Even though it's so windy, there's not much rain happening though. Probably, all of the clouds was moved on the other side of Bandung. Anyway, back to the first question, what makes Bandung so windy?
Well, to answer this question, I need to explain about "Wind Mechanism"
Please keep in mind, that wind blows because there's a difference between pressure from one location to another. Wind blows from High to Low pressure area, never the other way round. In local scale, we used to know about "Seabreeze and Landbreeze". It's caused by the pressure difference of land and sea. Why? Let us say, Land has lower heat capacity than sea. It means, land is easier to get hot rather than sea. In atmosphere (which is not ideal gas), the more heat, the less pressure in it. Because atmosphere is not "closed system", when you heat it, it's gonna expand and make the atmosphere Less dense.
Which means, every day, whenever there's "Sun light" that's gonna warm the surface up. There would be pressure difference between Land and Sea. In daylight, it will cause "Seabreeze", where winds blow from sea to land. Vice versa in the night, we will have "Landbreeze", where winds blow from land to sea.
It can happen with Lake and Sea too ! (Source: wikipedia.com)
Alleged Mechanism Why Bandung is so Windy
Ah, that's the first thing !
Next, I am guessing, the answer for our question would be, there's Strong Seabreeze that's happening, right now !
First of all, let's see the position of Sun, right now.
You're right, It's summer in South Hemisphere !Java Island is located in Southern Indonesia, right?
1) This condition would create condition, where Java's land would be so hot, but the sea won't be (Because the capacity of heat that I was explained in the first place). The difference would be huge, and would create strong Seabreeze.
Bandung Location in West Java (Google Maps)
If we saw carefully, meridionally (based on its latitude), Bandung is located in the middle of West Java, right? And we know, there would be Seabreeze both from North and South of it. Does it mean, the winds would met in Bandung? No! First, because there's coriolis effect. Second, the sea breeze from South would be stronger than from the North.

Depth of Sea in Indonesia (Source: BBC.co.uk)
What makes it stronger? Because, the Indian Ocean is deeper than Java sea. It means, Indian ocean has more heat capacity than Java island, which makes it harder to warm it. This will drive the Pressure difference more, and will make Seabreeze stronger. Even, one of my lecture said that Seabreeze from south Indian Ocean in Java Island, can across the Java island itself.
Last but not least, if you're watching "BBC: Earth Extraordinary Journey" (I literally recommend you to watch it). You may get the information, that Southern Hemisphere ocean is cooler than the Northern Hemisphere ocean in Summer! It's all because, there are more Land in northern rather than in southern.
This leads us, having more Stronger Sea Breeze because the local mechanism, right?
Our seabreeze probably ended up in Purwakarta or somewhere else (Idk), or even went to the Java sea as well. So does in the Night, when south Indian ocean would be warmer than Java Sea and Java island itself. Which makes stronger Landbreeze to Indian Ocean. Thanks to Summer (in Southern Hemisphere) and the mechanism of Heat Capacity, though :)
Ah, that's all about today ! Hope the hype stayed and the questions be answered yah guyzzz !
Anyway, If you have something to discuss, you can go to the comment section below! And just let me know, yah!
Yes, yes, I know, Bandung is so Cold !
So, because currently we had summer on Boreal, is it still windy bang?
ReplyDeleteIn Bandung? I don't know, because I already stayed in Jakarta. It's still windy but not as hard as December though
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