Well, It Digs me a Lot !

00:03 rafi 0 Comments

Got it from ferdy, and .... Damn, it's true !

"It sad, so sad, it's a sad sad situation~" -Blue

Yeah, it's about the way you act to the others. Just, please don't make someone expect great things to you and then you just, Bang ! Thrown it in their face who loves you just like love themself. Yeah, let's learning together. Me, being myself and super childish, selfish, high self-esteem (ashamed to asking forgiveness, ashamed to asking all of 'my fault', and once again, sooooo childish)

Good night and .... farewell :)


I am The Second One .... But, I'm ....

23:18 rafi 0 Comments

There are 2 kind of person : Ordinary and Extraordinary person. Which one are you? Well, it depends on you. Totally.

Being an Ordinary person is .... whenever you're doubting something -> You never tried to solve it -> 100% failed -> Blame the others

It's totally different with an Extraordinary person .... whenever you're doubting something -> Thinking for the answer -> Try it -> BELIEVE it -> Is it success? No, it depends with the result. -> If failed, not blaming someone but evaluate the way he/she did -> Try it again -> BELIEVE it again -> Is it success? It depends with the result -> If fail? Evaluate again -> Try a new one ..... and so on.

Which one is the most ordinary person has? Of course the first one ! It's about 3% (estimated) who has the spirit in the second one.
Then what? what if, a person who has the second character failed and failed ? Hmmmmm, sometimes, whenever you have evaluated what you've done and there is a point where "OK, I AM DONE ! I'VE DONE EVERYTHING TO GET IT, BUT ..... I CAN'T". Yeah, sometimes you need to do it because it was wasting your precious time to get these thing that was really difficult to get it. You've given all of your time, energy, thought, everything. Well dude, you need to move on then !
Where am I going? Hmmmmm, for you, the most innocent person in the world, The "Mrs. Right", "The-Mrs-who-don't-give-a-fuck-with-the-others-feeling", just don't ever be surprised if there's bunch of person who would say "I am done, I've tried everything to get your fvckin attention. Sorry if I surrender for everything. It's just too hard to continue these act. Sorry."
That's the way it is. Everything's been written in my destiny. Perhaps time would heal everything. When? well, let's see then~

Good night and have a nice dream, readers :* Let's be an extraordinary person !


When the TRUTH has been SPOKEN !

07:14 rafi 0 Comments

Found it on Ask.fm

The truth has been spoken (stak deng deng !) *drum rolls*


Is it wrong, the path I chose ?

15:31 rafi 0 Comments

Well, there is an old friend who ask me something. Kind of an important question.

"Raf, Menurut lo apakah dengan menghilang dan meninggalkan masalah lo dibelakang akan menyelesaikan masalah lo?" or ...

"Raf, did you think whether you've gone and left all of your problem behind would solve your problem?"

Well, it's kinda weird, right? hmmmm, I know the reason he ask me. It's all because I have this kind of problem, really really trivial problem, not important but has a great impact for me !

I answered his question :

"Fer, it's not solving my problem ! Not at all ! But at least, right now, I have so many quality time for myself ! I don't give a fuck to those who may never think what I feel. Hehehe."

And then,

"Fer, Is it wrong? or is it right? Well, I don't know the answer, clearly, It's just the path I chose. I have felt betrayed for twice, and it's really hurt. I don't know if it's right, but, I think, it's the best way I've chosen !"


Kind of Hectic Semester

22:04 rafi 0 Comments

Fiuh, at last, I could post something good right here :")

It's been a month where college stuff like homework, homework again, mid semester exam, homework again, homework homework and homework, project, campaign, coding, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, you should know how these shit comes and comes, one by one, unstoppable, deadline everyday, even, All of my movie haven't been watched since 1 month ago.
Hey, raf, don't you have any Holiday before? HELL YES, THERE ARE ! But, once again, my task seems didn't have end at all ! Sometimes, I wanna scream "Aaaaaaaaa" and say "FUCK ! WHEN ARE YOU GONNA END, DUDE?!". You'll often meet me in panic condition, where I didn't know what I should do first ! Mindfuck !
I am not alone ! I am with several my friends whose being active in several organization like me, and .... we should manage our time to be several part ! Ah, right here, our management skill being tested ! Was it hard? Yes ! Totally. And then here we come, our senior. What just he said?
"Dek, ini masih selow, tunggu semester 6 !" or "Guys, it's still slow, just wait in semester 6!"
OKEY ! After listening that motivation state -or I could say an destroyer statement- The way I think directly changed to be "Raf, it's still slow. Cheer up !"
Beauty isn't it? The way I think made it easy, the way I think changes everything ! If you think it's hard, then it's gonna be hard! When you think it's easy, hmmmmm, at last, it's not really forced you, moreover, your feeling.
Okey guys, what have we got here? Change the way you think, okey ? For me, it made me stronger, it push me to be patient, to be smile whenever the deadline comes, to be happy whenever problem comes, to be positive whenever all the negative things come to you !

"Everything happens for a reason? Is it good or bad? Well, it depends on the way you think. Clearly, it always has a good thing deep into it"

PS : Don't ever forget to ask for prayer to your parents. It kinda helps, ya know~