Gimme a reason - A poem (Hate being ignored)

21:32 rafi 0 Comments

Why should I feel that way?

I used to be forgotten,
And that's absolutely ok since I easily forget people
I used to be blamed,
And that's fine since I often make mistakes
But being ignored is too much
It's like you're right over there, we are this close, distance won't be a thing
But .... you ignored me
Am I even exist?
Often asked myself that way
And just like that,
Universe ain't give me the answer I need
Am I doing something wrong?
Am I doing huge mistakes?
Am I offending you that much?
Thousand questions need to be answered
And you, keep doing that thing
Avoid speaking with me
Scorn me without telling me the truth
And that's hurt
Hurt much


For those who perceive this message,
It's ok to tell me the truth,
And I am fine if you didn't want to contact me at all
Because that's absolutely your right
But of course just give me a reason, so I won't do it anymore to others


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