Welcome 2016 ! Goodbye 2015! You guys were Awesome !
Ah,So which of the favors of your Lord will you deny? (QS. Ar-Rahman)The basic question to achieve more !
Talking about 2015 can create a Novel I guess. Having so much great time with so much interesting people that Inspired me a Lot ! Like a whole lot !
Having so many achievements that I've never imagined before, giving so many priceless Experiences have taught me about this beatiful Life. So yeah, eventhough, sometimes I was thinking "What am I studying about?" on my major (because it's so complicated and had no idea at all), but 2015 was not that bad. Seriously, guys, need to be more grateful thought.
So, let's see what I was getting here.
1. Being Participant on Indofood Leadership Camp Batch VII
Hmmmmmm, learning leadership skills with Indonesian Army ? Seriously? What's greater than that? Meeting with so many future leaders that - I couldn't say a thing - about them. The idea was not only getting the matters, but how could I expand my Networking with others participants from 18 Universities in Indonesia. Seriously, eventhough it spent like zillion times, having thousand obstacles within it, of course so -fuckin- tired. But ..... Let's see how they keep cheering me out to be stronger and stronger ! Yeah, GO platoon 4 ! Go platoon 4 ! Engaging for 10 days brought us to be Family, that's being seperated between time and space huhuhuhuhu. Love you guys ! <3
2. Ganeca Prize Finalist
Hmmmmmmm, actually, this was one of my -have no idea, didn't even expect- achievement ever. Seriously, although this one on my 2015 Resolution, I've never expect that I would be the one who will be the Finalist on Ganeca prize. In the middle of hectic semester (with so many to do assignments, and of course the unbearable obstacles), should prepare paper, presentation, and do responsibilities. So yeah, what I did just "do the best, and expect the worst". That's all. Not even more. So, when the time comes, what I need to do is just doing a little preparation (Thanks for my dearest friends that have pushed me to break the limits) , and after that, "Ok, bye, need to do more stuff thought."
But the result was breathtaking ..... Being delegate from my department and faculty ..... To be one of finalist, and saw so many great people with great achievements they have got. Thank you ! You guys have slapped and pushed me to be a better person (indirectly).
Wah wah, This one was really great ! Being -unexpected- participant thought. Because, actually, I was not the chosen one, but being the Substitute delegate. Believe it or not, I was preparing my internship on Ministry of Environmental and Forestry, but then, there're a call from bang Yusuf that told me I was the one. "Are you available?" I answered "OMG YES !"
Wuff, from Bogor to Bandung ! This was my very first experience for participating this kind of Event. So, I'm quite nervous, trying to introduce myself with other delegate, so yeah, They're extremely cool ! Having great achievements on their life, being Delegate, Representative, Ambassador on "this" and "that" event, a leader on "this" and "that" NGO, already did something to local communities. HUFT! Beyond ASEAN had opened my mind wider ! I was thinking "Phew, What am I doing while being students, ha? What have I done to society?"
So, getting the matters about Pitching the Ideas, how to sell it, how to see and solve society problem, how to reduce the Local community vulnerability for Disaster. Furthermore, How to create a social project, and Alhamdulillah, me and my team's project called Disaster Creative Mapping and Education (DCME) being granteed for 300USD. And I am doing it now. Hope it would be succees thought.
Thank you Beyond ASEAN!
4. Asia-Pacific Urban Youth Assembly (APUFY) 2015 Delegate
Huoooo, this one was Big ! Asia-pacific Level? Idk, this one gave me a lot of things ! Meeting so many great people with great achievements, and have done something big to Society! Several participant came from Beyond ASEAN, so, we're having a little Reunion thought. Like always, the main event focused to give the Youth a new perspective for solving Urban problems. Having 16 parallel session that each participant only can choose 4 session. Because I was my Association Representative, that has one big project towards sustainable urban development for Disaster, I chose "Mobilizing for Change : Tomorrow's leaders Taking Action Today", "Investing in Youth Innovation", and "Youth Leadership in Disasters and Beyond".
The speakers were amazing Youth that has led local or International organization/initiative level which is so great. One special thing, I could expand more International networking and this was monster ! Thanks APUFY!

(Roommates brother!)
5. Presenter on 5th Annual Symposium of Asian iNstitute for Environmental and enerGY (A.NERGY) 2015
Nope, I am not being Alay or Jeje or something, A.NERGY is one of International Researcher Association for Environment. They have student session, in which every student presents their research about Environment. I was presenting about "Pre-Study on Potential Feasibility of Wind Energy on Banten", seeing how big the wind energy potential based on 2 years observation data and How much GHG emission reduction potential if it's implemented.
Well, forget about the matters! What makes it so great was, one day after attending APUFY, I was boarding to Korea, and guess what, this was my very first time to travel abroad ! Anyway, behind the scenes and how hard the struggles was the spicy for this Adventure ! You can say, almost all of the expenses paid by Sponsors :""""")
The most important thing was getting another International Networking between future Researchers and environmentalist. Most of them came from Environmental Engineering students, few of us struggling with Architecture, Chemical Engineering, and Meteorology hoho.
Traveling on Incheon (Business district, kind of Sudirman Jakarta, with no traffic jam) and Seoul (quite dense but having very nice culture), talking about their Culture and their perception about us, Indonesian, that's so loud as fvck (seriously). Aaaaaaaaaaa, so great! I'm confused to tell my stories here !!!
(Student Presenters)
(Welfie after presenting!)
(Me with taiwaneses)
Gwanghwamun :D
(Delicious Bulgogi !!!)
(Delicious Bibimbap!!!)
(Incheon National University)
(Meong-dong not gong-gong dong)
Kyaaaaa ! At last ! 2015 was so Awesome ! Once again, I would like to say
So which of the favors of your Lord will you deny? (QS. Ar-Rahman)Grateful is great power to reach Happiness ! Being grateful would give you more energy, to decrease the negative thinking about "What I need to regret". The question is simple "Why'd you need to regret, when you have more to be grateful?" Ask yourself for the answer, and be ready for Smiling with everything you have and achieved hoho
2015 was awesome ! But, Hello 2016, hope you can be better than last year.