My Passion and Perseverance Score

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Hai everyone!

Tonight I am going to share to you about my current passion and perseverance score that I received from Grit Book.

Just for your info, I am currently reading Grit from Angela Duckworth books about Passion and Perseverance itself. Why? Because this was recommended by mas Iman Usman, as CPO of Ruangguru when he was talking about the entrepreneurship, I asked him how to have growth minded and he told me to read this book (ok, I am sold).

Baiq. So far, I have read 4 chapters in the last 2 days, and I am just ...... this book is just so breath-taking. Some of the story is relatable, some of them had perseverance and passion to the next level. As someone who's believe in having growth minded, I am definitely #TeamEffort rather than #TeamGenius. However, as far as I didn't choose Genius wins, me myself and I sometimes had this bias that someone just born to be that talented or genius, without seeing from another persective which is the full story of them.

This book will make you ask the same question over and over again "Is it true?" before jumping to conclusion that someone born to be it or not. And I am so grateful with what Angela tried to tell us here.

We know something that Talent is something, and some might take a benefit from it. Not everyone had high IQ, not everyone had the ability to learn so fast. BUT, most of the time, we used to be distracted by the talent itself. We think that we can do it easily, so we give the least effort for it, or even STOP learning.

"Whenever you think you are good enough, whenever you satisfied with what you have now, whenever you think you already understand the whole thing (which you might not), that will be the time you will stop learning."

Next, I also learned something so special and just realized that I am currently being so busy with things that might not really matter for me. I am not focused enough, I am in this perspective that It's oke to be generalist, but somehow being this one would make me not that focus, and of course, everyone's time is limited, and me, somehow will waste this precious time that's not gonna be significant for my life.

So, yes, I will re-define my goals soon, and will share to you guys, because sharing the goal is an important process to make yourself accountable and will make you more responsible to focus in it before developing another goals. 


I was on this chapter 4, talking about "How gritty I am".

Angela already designed this test that can be used to measure our current perseverance and passion score. If we combined this, we somehow can get the average score, and see how grit we are compare to the xx% of the sample.

Here's the rule:

From the questions, just read it, dont overthinking it and ask yourself by comparing -not only your family, friends, or your environment- but also most of people.

Next, circle which one the best answer for each question. Calculate it and divide it into 10!

And here is my score!

Well, after doing some math here and there, I got the score on 4.1!

If you can see from the table below

You can conclude that I am 70% more gritty than most of population which I was thinking still not good enough :") It's still mediocre compare with the population tho. However, let's see this in broader perspective ya! 

Angela said, from the questions above, we somehow can break it into 2 parts. 1 is Passion and 2 is Perseverance. 

If you, somehow do the math for only the odds number, and divide with 5, you will get the passion score, and vice versa, the even numbers for the perseverance!

Let's do the math once again, and I just got my passion score only 3.4 (which is so small), while the perseverance is around 4.8 (almost perfect!). 


Got the idea right? I am currently not passion enough, because I have so much interests just like you know, that I am consider myself as Generalist and probably I am changing my focus oftenly. It doesnt mean we cant be generalist, but you need to assure it really does matter and of course PRIORITIZE! That's the only thing we can do right now, and try to somehow compelled, and connect each activities with your high level personal goals, which ones again, going to be defined soon.


That's all from me, hopefully you can try it too and see where are yourself, now!

For more? just read the books, I am completely recommend it!

See you!

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