Is it Possible to address Blackouts Issue on North Sumatra?

22:34 rafi 0 Comments

Hello guys! Once again, I want to tell you my thought about addressing one issue ...... Rolling Blackouts over North Sumatra, Indonesia.

One of the biggest province on Indonesia, called North Sumatra, having almost 13 Millions people that live here. Everyday, North sumatra's resident will have "Rolling Blackouts" for 4 hours for each region. Believe me, I have felt that since childhood, because my hometown is on this province. What makes this Blackouts happen? Well, based on (, 2014) North Sumatra's power plants have the ability to generate 1,376 MW of electricity. The province, however, has a peak load that reaches 1,655 MW, resulting in a deficit of 279 MW of electricity. These Blackouts have made suffered and anger to every citizen, even it would make quite loss due to additional expenditure for turning-on private Generator.

The question is simple, "Is there any solution for this?"

Here's the thing, of course it can, if only, everyone can commit themselves to change the way they live.

1. North Sumatra has 1,428,479 household with certificate, if every household has 5 bulbs on their home, with the average of bulbs are 20 watt, then, we will have 142 MW worth to save each hour. By turning-off these bulbs everyday for 12 hours on the daylight.

2. Mostly people on Indonesia, will turning-on "Rice-cooker" every single time, to warm their cooked-rice. It takes 350 watts to use it. Whereas, if only we use it just for Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, make it "accordance" to your portion. Then you won't need to keep the remain rice warm, isn't it? 

How much will we save? Let's see that 50% household already has rice-cooker. Then, we will have 250 MW worth to save, EACH HOUR. 

3. What's about Dispenser? Almost everyone has it too! And you know what? Dispenser needs 350 watt worth of electric. And believe me, every household will turning-on this, every time. Whereas, if only we use it for our needs such as make tea for Breakfast or coffee for latenight, it's only take 10 minutes to make the water's hot. 

Let's say that 50% household have it, CONGRATZ, we have 250 MW worth to save.

Beside it's gonna be "Solution" for Blackouts, of course it's gonna save your own "Money" for paying your own Electric, reduce GHG emissions, and it's gonna affect your life like you never seen before. NO Blackouts, NO Debts for paying Electric, and SAVE The Earth from Global warming.

See? Once again you see how #SmallActMatters can save us to address your Life issue, right? Please share and help me to spread this to the world :) It's applicable for every Region :)

Do you guys have same issue?

PS. it's still an approximation, it could be BIGGER or SMALLER. But, I prefer to say, it's BIGGER because, the Household itself came from Household that has 'Certified Building', which means we haven't calculated the Newcommer, people who live on Boarding house, or still contract or rent a house. Yet, I estimated it with 50% household has dispenser and rice-cooker, whereas, it could be more, though! 

Anyway, my thesis itself about these estimation to reduce GHG emissions by changing the way we live. Thank you guys and help me to share this idea :) 

Taken from my Report on Tunza Eco-Generation:

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