What If, Everyone Changes Their Transportation?

17:43 rafi 0 Comments

Hello guys!

So, I want to share my thought about "What if everyone changes their Transportation". It refers to Everyone's walking, uses bike, bus, trains, or any public Transportation. The impacts would be breathtaking because it's gonna change the way we live!

1. Goodbye Traffic jam!

Indonesia, one of country that has "worst" traffic jam in the world. Here's the examples : If you go to your office on 05.00 a.m. you can arrive on 06.00 a.m. But if you go to your office on 05.30 a.m. you will arrive on 08.00 a.m. Believe me, Indonesia's traffic jam is stressing your mind, and of course, it could make great loss for its economy growth due to lack of productivity. Just because ....... Dense population, everyone uses their private transportation, every car just take 1-2 persons, every motorcycle just take 1 person, and yes, what you'll get is this!

But, calm down! if we change it TOGETHER, not only me, but you, and them, everyone's aware with it. GOODBYE TRAFFIC JAM! Here's why :

Source : http://www.citymetric.com/

See? It's gonna change your traffic like you've never seen before :))
Let's do #SmallActMatters because it's worthy if we do it Together!

2. Goodbye Global warming!

Okey, let's calculating the Emissions. Imagine that everyday, more than thousands people would go on same direction. Okey, let's take 50 as example and those 50 person should take 10km distance. If 50 people use their own private car, and currently car will emit 237.5 gCO2 each km, then we will emit 118.75 kgCOeveryday. What if, those 50 person take bus? they will just emit 2.7 kgCO2 everyday. It's not even 3% of its emit. And yes, this will save us from Global warming though!

3. Clean Air

Ah, of course by changing your transportation, it will make our Air quality cleaner! And it will make others be comfortable to walk or cycling, it will make the atmosphere cooler! Domino's effect, isn't it?

4. Goodbye Urban Heat Island!

Well, beside the building, anthropogenic has great role to make Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon. It's the condition where Urban's temperature much higher than the rural, mostly, you can feel it on Indonesia's cities such as Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang, Medan, Surabaya, and etc. It's because our dense population and ..... the transportation itself. It can make depressed. If we change our transportation, there would be no Air pollution (that's being UHI Trigger) and make the environment cooler. So yeah, goodbye UHI!

See? So many things can happen to use while we're changing something, even it's just a little thing! Because #SmallActMatters when we do it TOGETHER! Let's do #ActOnClimate, guys!


Taken from my World Report on Tunza Eco-Generation: 

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