Unbearable Feeling

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"How is it feel, Harry? When you see Dean with Ginny? I know, I see the way you look at her. You're my best friend"
"It feels like this" Harry answered
It hurts, when I saw you with him. It hurts, when you spend time with him. It hurts, when you're crying for him. Sometimes, I want to scream out loud, "Hey, look at me! I'm the one who want to spend my time, with you, for the rest of my life." But hey, I'm the one who's being so coward. Keep searching reasons for not telling the truth, my feeling, what I used to say from the very beginning we met. Yes, I've had this feeling since we're studying together, playing and discovering our passion together.

Being quiet didn't mean I didn't care
I do waiting your chats, about your daily, what you've done, how's the day, how'd you spend it, I am interested listening you, as independent woman.

Yes, I am. Having a bad day, thousand problems, my brother's stuff, etc. Sometimes I need a place, a person, which I could talk about these for the rest of the day. Sharing our experiences, sharing our thoughts, sharing our ideas, to solve these problems together. Ah, missing those moment for sure!

Hai Miss! How do you do?
Need you, miss you, like you

For my dearest best friends, and those who I watch from a distance, you're strong and can move on :))

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